hansgrohe Sinks: S51, S510-U660 Under-mount sink 660, Item No. 43432170
The S51 granite sink made of SilicaTec is robust, durable – and an eye-catcher in any modern kitchen. S51 built-in sinks are available in a variety of shapes and colors – designed to match …
Hansgrohe|71cm|花崗石水槽|下崁式|黑色 43432170 淺灰 …
Hansgrohe|71cm|花崗岩石水槽|下崁式|黑色 43432170 淺灰 43432380 、深灰 43432290 灰色水槽|黑色水槽|白色水槽
S51 S510-U660 Under-mount sink 660 - Hansgrohe Asia
要麼線上,要麼線下,我們始終伴您左右,為您提供幫助、服務或保證。 除了自願的 製造商保證,您還可以信賴 hansgrohe 產品屢獲殊榮的高品質標準和耐用性。 水是生命之源,也是我們 …
hansgrohe Sinks: S51, S510-U660 Under-mount sink 660, Item No. 43432170
You find these details within the assembly instructions. The undermount installation sinks the sink into the countertop and is attached to the countertop from below. This type of installation is …
【hansgrohe】43432-石英石水槽 71x45cm-本商品不含安裝 | 碇國 …
顏色:43432170 墨黑 / 43432290 深灰 / 43432380 水泥灰 配件:台式提籠、排水管
hansgrohe S51 下嵌花崗岩單槽.墨黑(71x45cm) 43432-170
hansgrohe 下嵌花崗岩單槽(墨黑) 43432-170 (S51 系列) 產品規格. 顏色:墨黑; 材質:花崗岩; 尺寸:L71 x W45 x H20.5cm; 水槽深度:19cm
德國HANSGROHE 花崗岩下崁水槽 廚房水槽71cm 43432170
德國HANSGROHE 花崗岩下崁水槽 廚房水槽71cm 43432170 | 43432290 | 43432380. 規格: 德國製造; 花崗石材質; 溢水孔:側面; 龍頭安裝:檯面上; 商品尺寸:710 x 450 x 205 mm; 內徑 …
hansgrohe S51 kitchen sink graphite black - 43432170 - REUTER
Competent technical consultation by phone or video call.
Hansgrohe 43432170 Undermount sink 660 (S510-U660 GS)
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hansgrohe Sinks: S51, S510-U660 Under-mount sink 660, Item No. 43432170
The undermount installation sinks the sink into the countertop and is attached to the countertop from below. This type of installation is only suitable for water-insensitive countertops made of …