43M Turán III - Wikipedia
The 43M Turán III or 44M Turán III was a Hungarian medium tank of World War II. It was based on the 41M Turán II medium tank but was equipped with a significantly larger turret and a much more powerful long-barreled 75 mm gun.
40M/41M Turán - tank-afv.com
The 43M Turán III and Zrinyi I/II The Turan III was the last, upgraded version, equipped with a derivative of the German 75 mm (2.95 in) KwK 40 L43 gun used on the Panzer IV Ausf. J , and a revised turret which integrated large side covers around the commander cupola.
二战匈牙利坦克(3)——Turan中型坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Turan III线图 75mmM43主炮 基本上是德国的75mmPak40反坦克炮的细微改进版,然而匈牙利人的研发缓慢,1943年12月前只建造了两门。该型主炮也被用于TAS身上进行工厂内部测试。
40M Turán I - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年3月20日 · The 44M Zrinyi I was to be armed with a long-barreled 75 mm 43M anti-tank gun developed by MÁVAG, while the 43M Zrinyi II was armed with MÁVAG’s 105 mm 40/43M howitzer. Due to difficulties surrounding the 75 mm gun, only the Zrinyi II was produced, but it was found to be a capable assault gun and led to later Hungarian efforts to place a ...
Turan III | War Thunder Wiki
The Turan III was developed from the 41M Turán II Hungarian medium tank, as Hungary needed tanks that were able to better deal with the well-armoured Soviet T-34s and KV-1s that Hungary was fighting on the Eastern Front. The Turán III was equipped with a long barrel 75 mm 43.M gun that could effectively deal with the well-armoured Soviet ...
43M Turán (Turán 75 long barrel, or Turán III) - Blogger
2015年3月23日 · 43M Turán (Turán 75 long barrel, or Turán III) In April 1943 it was decided that a modern tank needed a 75mm long anti-tank gun. MÁVAG developed a special Hungarian version of the German 7.5cm KwK 40 tank gun which fired …
43M Turán – Wikipédia
A 43M Turán a Magyar Királyi Honvédség számára a második világháború idején kifejlesztett nehéz harckocsi volt. Sorozatgyártására nem került sor, mindössze egy prototípusa készült el két különböző kialakítású toronnyal. Hosszú csövű Turán 75 néven is ismert.
二战匈牙利43M塔斯重型坦克,模仿黑豹中型坦克而生 - 知乎
2020年12月2日 · 43M的初步设计工作在1943年12月完成,当时打造了一辆等比例缩小的金属模型,第二年建造了2辆原型车,尽管研发进度跟不上战争的发展,但从技术上来讲坦克的定型量产指日可待。 坦克的装甲布置模仿了黑豹中型坦克和T-34中型坦克,融入了倾斜装甲的理念,以便于强化整体防御力。 车体前部装甲在75~120毫米,侧后装甲厚50毫米,炮塔造型和黑豹中型坦克类似,是一种焊接多面形状的炮塔,带有车长指挥塔,炮塔装甲各面均厚100. 浅谈军事历史与武 …
Olvidado por su Propia Nación: 43M Turán III - Guerra Total
2022年9月18日 · El 43M Turán III o Turán-75 Hosszú fue el último intento del ejército húngaro por colocar a los tanques Turán a la altura de los tanques alemanes y soviéticos.
43M Turán III | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 43M Turán III or 44M Turán III[4] was a Hungarian medium tank of World War II. It was based on the 41M Turán II medium tank, equipped with a significantly larger turret compared to its predecessors, and a long-barrelled 75 mm anti-tank gun.