30-30 vs 44 mag lever - The High Road
2018年1月16日 · A lot of it is the velocity. The 30-30 has more range than the 44 Mag, and still is plenty big enough to take down a deer. I think perception also plays a part too - 30-30's …
"Cowboy load" .44 shoots REALLY high. | The High Road
2009年1月30日 · I loaded up some 240 grain Oregon Trails LaserCast LSWC bullets in .44 Magnum brass, over 6.5 grains of IMR Trail Boss.
Marlin 336 in .44 mag | The High Road
2012年6月16日 · I just picked up one of these awesome little leverguns, after having searched for a looooong time for one. I know it's a bit of an oddball rifle, only having being made for 4 or 5 …
Astra .44 | The High Road
2017年6月25日 · OK had the Astra snub for 2 weeks now and shot 75 rounds of assorted mag ammo and 30 rounds of special. Magnum is borderline a bit much. 44 special is VERY mild. …
44 mag reloads | The High Road
2020年11月18日 · I just bought a lee 44 mag 3 die set to start reloading for my 1894 Marlin. Do I need to buy a lee factory crimp die. I've always crimp my rifle ammo. I'm loading Hornady XTP …
What's your favorite powder for .44 Magnum? | The High Road
2008年8月18日 · I just started reloading for my .44 mag revolver and Marlin 1894 carbine. I also have a bunch of Hornady XTPs 240gr and Winchester 240gr JSPs. What powders are your …
Stimulus Henry .44 Mag/44Spcl. Carbine | The High Road
2021年4月14日 · THR Upgrade and Maintenance This Morning. The upgrade is going cleanly, and most of the hard work is done..
.44 mag recoil comparison in 3" and 4", same weight
2010年3月11日 · After flirting with the idea getting a .41 mag for a backwoods gun, I decided that, as a non handloader, it would be more practical to go with a .44 mag. Simply more options in …
what is the cheapest .44 mag ammo? | The High Road
2009年9月20日 · I'm looking around for a handgun and I thought it would be a fun a novel idea to get a .44 mag plus the smaller guns would seem like a .22 when I got used to a .44 then I …
.44 mag hunting ammo out of carbine | The High Road
2013年5月5日 · I use single action revolvers to hunt mainly hogs, use minimum .357, but prefer .44 mag or .45 colt. I am gonna hunt hogs with a .44 mag carbine with 20" barrel, what kinda …