hunting revolver 45 Colt vs 44 mag - Ruger Forum
2013年3月17日 · If you are going to limit yourself to factory loads, the 44 mag is much more practical. You can can find full power 44 mag loads, even at Wal-mart. Any place that sells …
what's your hunting range for a 44mag super... - Ruger Forum
2013年2月2日 · If it is a running deer 30 yds. MAX. My long time hunting SA has been a SBH .44 mag with a 5.5" barrel. Have now added 2 more Blackhawks to work with a .41 mag awith a …
44 mag hunting - Ruger Forum
2009年10月22日 · Would Bazer 44 mag 240 gr jhp be okay for deer hunting. It will be use in a NMSBH 7 1/2 barrel. Most likely at 75 yards max. Appreciate any help on which round to use. …
.357 vs .44 mag - Ruger Forum
2019年11月11日 · If we're talking about the standard Marlin 1894 with 18 1/2" or 20" barrel, there is a difference in recoil when shooting standard 357 and 44 mag loads. The standard 1894 in …
Super Blackhawk 44 mag for hunting - Ruger Forum
2013年1月29日 · I don't know the bullet rise and drop on a 44 mag. But with my 30/06 rifle I always shot for 50 yards center and will be about 1" high at 100 yards and back to center at …
New Ruger Made Marlin 1894 in .44 Magnum - Ruger Forum
2024年4月2日 · It is also the best when defending yourself against threats and home invasions. The 1894 Marlin .44 magnum bolt lever-action rifle has a blue steel barrel, a straight grip, …
44 mag, 45 colt, 444, 450 marlin, 45-70 lever rifles for hunting.
2011年8月7日 · Between shorter shots and smaller game the .44 mag (and with better shot placement, the .357 mag) makes a great "brush rifle" for my neck of the woods. I've owned a …
Optimum .44 Barrel Length - Ruger Forum
2010年8月26日 · 44 Optimal Barrel Length I wanted the 9.5" barrel in my SRH but the dealer suggested the 7.5" would be easier to handle in more situations - the 7.5 was also available at …
Super Blackhawk 44 Magnum load with Lyman #429421 bullet
2020年7月11日 · For my .44 revolver and 240 gr or 250 gr LSWC bullets, I prefer 10.0 gr. of Unique, 11.0 gr. of Power Pistol, or 9.0 gr. of HP-38. For a nice shooting mild .44 mag revolver …
Effective Range of 44 mag SBH 7 1/2" Bbl - Ruger Forum
2010年4月21日 · Having recently purchased an SBH in 44 mag with a 7 1/2" barrel, I'd like to know what is the maximum effective range I can plan on for hunting whitetail deer. I am trying …