The RC4558 device is a dual general-purpose operational amplifier. The combination of the wide supply voltage range (10V to 30V), low noise (6.5nV/ √Hz), and distortion performance (0.0001% THD+N) of the device allow the RC4558 to be used in various audio applications.
JRC4558D Datasheet(PDF) - New Japan Radio
Description: DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER. Manufacturer: New Japan Radio.
RC4558 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 RC4558 是一款 双通道、30V、3MHz、低噪声 (8nV/√Hz) 运算放大器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
JRC4558 Op Amp : Datasheet, Working & Its Applications
What is JRC4558 Op-Amp? A general-purpose 8-pin dual operational amplifier available with good input impedance and high voltage gain is known as JRC4558 Op-Amp. It is a silicon monolithic integrated chip available in different packages like SOP and DIP.
JRC4558 is a low noise, high gain, dual channel operational amplifier, which is internally compensated and built on a single silicon chip by using advanced epitaxial technology. It is suitable for single power supply with wide power supply voltage range, and also suitable for dual power supply working mode.
4558d前置放大电路图 - 运算放大器电路 - 电子发烧友网
2018年1月29日 · 4558是低噪声双运算放大器集成电路,最适用于作有源滤波器,补偿放大器,音频前置放大器均衡放大器以及在电子仪器、仪表中用作各种线路的放大器。
JRC4558 Op-Amp Pinout, Features, Alternatives & Datasheet
JRC4558IC can be used in general purpose op-amp operation circuits like comparator, differential amplification or mathematical operations. Moreover, the device specifically designed for …
4558 Ic Audio Equalizer Circuit Diagrams - Wiring Digital and …
2020年10月15日 · Using a 4558 IC Audio Equalizer Circuit Diagram allows you to fine-tune your audio to any setting you desire. The circuit diagram provides a detailed look at the inner workings of the equalizer, giving you an understanding of how each component fits together and works.
4558双声道运放电路图(六款电路图分享) - 功率放大器电路图
2018年1月23日 · 4558双声道运放电路图(六款电路图分享) jf_f8pIz0xS • 来源:电子发烧友整理 • 2018-01-23 13:35 • 次阅读 • 个评论 4558是一片低噪音双运放集成块,带内部补偿电路。
Discover the Circuit Diagram of a 4558 IC Audio Equalizer
The 4558 IC Audio Equalizer circuit diagram is a popular circuit used in audio amplifiers to adjust the frequency response of the output signal. The 4558 integrated circuit consists of two high-gain operational amplifiers that are used to amplify and shape the audio signal.