The MC4558 is a high performance monolithic dual operational amplifier. The circuit combines all of the outstanding features of the MC1458, and in addition possesses three times the unity …
C4558C Datasheet (PDF) - NEC
拆了很多功放,关于运放4558 - 拆机乐园 数码之家
2019年6月6日 · 4558是最便宜的运放,外围电路简单,可以用5532替代,但是玩AV功放的耳朵也算了,能响,够吵,低音劲就算了。 真的的HIFI就只是前级可以买下你几百台AV功放了,看价钱而决定一切! :sweat: 5532d普通用用就够了! 再喇叭也跟不上了:lol: 这几天拆了很多功放,有舞台用的纯功放,有ktv的卡包功放,也有家用的av功放,还有拉杆箱的移动音箱功放,和大品牌电脑有源音箱,发现里面的运放几乎清一色的4558,而网上 ... 拆了很多功放,关于运放4558 ,数 …
4558C Datasheet, amplifier, STMicroelectronics
4558C Features and benefits. * Internally compensated . * Short-circuit protection . * Gain and phase match between amplifier . * Low power consumption . * Pin-to-pin compatible with MC14. 4558C Description. The MC4558 is a high performance monolithic dual operational amplifier.
MC4558 - 宽带宽双路双极性运算放大器 - 意法半导 …
The MC4558 is a high performance monolithic dual operational amplifier. The circuit combines all of the outstanding features of the MC1458, and in addition possesses three times the unity gain bandwidth of the industry standard. 了解我们为工业、汽车、消费应用提供的各种运算放大器。 Op amps & comparators. Amplify your performance. 2.0.
RC4558 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 RC4558 是一款 双通道、30V、3MHz、低噪声 (8nV/√Hz) 运算放大器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
4558_PUOLOP (迪浦)_4558中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
4558由PUOLOP (迪浦)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 4558价格参考¥0.3076。 PUOLOP (迪浦) 4558参数名称:放大器数:双路;最大电源宽度 (Vdd-Vss):40V;输入失调电压 (Vos):6mV;输入偏置电流 (Ib):500nA;输入失调电流 (Ios):200nA;共模抑制比 (CMRR):90dB;静态电流 (Iq):5.7mA;输出电流:120mA;工作温度:0℃~+70℃;双电源 (Vee~Vcc):-20V~20V。 下载4558中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有运算放大器详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图 …
CHN4558C Datasheet – Dual Operational Amplifier – STMicro
2019年9月18日 · Function: Wide bandwidth dual bipolar operational amplifier. Image: CHN4558C = MC4558. ( MC4558CD is Marking 4558C ) The MC4558 is a high performance monolithic dual operational amplifier. The circuit combines all of the outstanding features of the MC1458, and in addition possesses three times the unity gain bandwidth of the industry standard.
The RC4558 device is a dual general-purpose operational amplifier. The combination of the wide supply voltage range (10V to 30V), low noise (6.5nV/ √Hz), and distortion performance (0.0001% THD+N) of the device allow the RC4558 to be used in various audio applications.
MC4558 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The MC4558 is a high performance monolithic dual operational amplifier. The circuit combines all of the outstanding features of the MC1458, and in addition possesses three times the unity gain bandwidth of the industry standard. 1. Internally compensated. 2. Short-circuit protection. 3. Gain and phase match between amplifier. 4.
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