Ordnance MOS Chart | US Army Ordnance Corps & School
The Official Website of the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps & Ordnance School at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia MOS Chart and Training Location Map.
MOS 45E US Army XM1 Tank Turret Mechanic
Performs unit maintenance of vehicular-mounted armament (including machine guns), associated fire control, and related systems.
US Army MOS List
The US Army MOS list provides details on various military occupational specialties, including job descriptions and qualifications.
Army COOL - Overview
Choose a military occupation from one of the expansion lists below. After you have selected an occupation, the types of information available include: Note that not all occupations will have all sections.
MOS Codes in the Vietnam era - Ed Thelen
MOS coding systems were different for Enlisted Personnel, Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers: Enlisted MOS codes consisted of five Alpha / Numeric characters. The first three indicated a job description.
The OSR and PSR provide information about an officer’s military service. The OSR is a single page document that provides a brief record of your service (e.g. formal education, which includes any...
For those officers participating in a full-time, fully-funded program at Naval Postgraduate School (NAVPGSCOL), this information is automatically sent to Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM),...
References > MILPERSMAN > 1000 Military Personnel - MyNavy HR
Aviation Operations Officers and Non-Aeronautically Designated Officers and Enlisted Assigned Duty Involving Flying. OPNAV (N13) 1210-270 . Officer Designation Codes. ... Officer Subspecialty System. PERS-45E . 1214-020 . Cancelled . 1220 Enlisted . 1220-010. Aircrew and Aviation Rescue Swimmer Programs. BUPERS-32
13 Naval Flight Officer Qual P432O Navy Personnel Command PERS-432O 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-4320 3947 Winging Letter. As required. Contact cognizant ... PERS-45E 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055- 4500 [email protected] 4946/4992 Degree 55 Year Completed P45E Navy Personnel Command PERS-45E
Bygontoasty Wiki - Fandom
This officer joined 45e on April 1 2024.On 16 April he completed his training by participating in at least 1 battle and then he was promoted as a soldier. On July 1 2024,he was promoted to Sergeant and became a specialist officer. On 23 July 2024, he was promoted from NCO to XO of Grenadier Company in section 1.