Mazin | CONTINUED: The Sonic Oddities Wiki | Fandom
1993年9月23日 · By entering the sound test menu and inserting the numbers "46, 12, 25" in this order, the original image will fade onto the screen, along with the theme for the final boss in the game. Despite its appearance, the Easter egg in itself was a joke, as the Easter egg Mazin is modelled after one of the employees at SEGA Enterprises, hence the ...
Urban Dictionary: 46 12 25
46 12 25 is the soundtrack code in Sonic CD which triggers the anti-piracy screen. There, you can see this strange redesign of Sonic, plastered everywhere on the screen. The Boss!! theme from the American release of the game will begin to play in the background, and a message written in Katakana shows up bold white across the screen.
Sonic CD - Very Scary Hidden Message - YouTube
If you wanna do it, here's how: 1.-At the title screen, press: Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, A 2.-Enter these numbers at the sound test:FM no.46, PCM no. 12, DA no. 25 then press...
Sonic CD 46-12-25 Version USA - YouTube
2013年2月23日 · Skip the cable setup & start watching YouTube TV today–– for free. Then save $23/month for 3 mos.
Examining the Creepy Secret Message in Sonic CD
2013年9月23日 · First, for clarification, here’s how to access this spooky screen to begin with: At the title screen, press Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, A. This will take you to the secret sound test screen. On the sound screen test, select FM No. 46, PCM No. 12, and DA No. 25. Press Start, and the game will switch to a new screen.
What unlucky person put 46, 12, 25 into Sonic CD’s sound ... - Reddit
What unlucky person put 46, 12, 25 into Sonic CD’s sound test as a child? Fun is Infinite. The American soundtrack made these Easter eggs so much more creepy with their foreboding, ominous droning. I vaguely remember my older siblings talking about this way back when. Unfortunately, I never had the privilege of experiencing such horrors as a child.
Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Sega CD) Cheats: Sound Test Codes
Input these "Sound Test" codes for Sonic CD. These sound codes are left (FM), center (PCM) or right (DA). 07, 07, 07 40, 12, 11 42, 03, 01 42, 04, 21 44, 11, 09 46, 12, 25
索尼克CD 探寻彩蛋 - 哔哩哔哩
日本萝卜爱好者,同为机战迷,也是特摄迷,三连加关注是我做视频的动力,先定个目标:5000粉丝 希望迟早达成。 除了输入46,12,25和42,04,21外还可以输入40,12,11和44,11,09还有07,07,07。如果你喜欢本视频就点击投币,关注,收藏。, 视频播放量 16013、弹幕量 67、点赞数 114、投硬币枚数 13、收藏人数 111、转发人数 9, 视频作者 SFの隆盛君, 作者简介 日本萝卜爱好者,同为机战迷,也是特摄迷,三连加关注是我做视频的动力,先定个目标:5000粉丝 …
Majin Sonic | Sonic Mega Collection Wiki | Fandom
By entering the sound test menu and inserting the numbers " 46, 12, 25 " in this order, the original screen would fade onto the screen, along with the theme for the final boss in the game. While the Easter egg in itself was a joke, as the character Majin is modeled after one of the employees at SEGA enterprises, hence the " uncanny " humanoid face.
Developer Diaries: Sonic CD Secrets, Extras, Scrapped ... - Amino …
2020年5月15日 · Lastly, enter 46-12-25 and you'll find... the "creepiest" thing in Sonic history. I won't spoil it for those who haven't played the game. It's your job to find it!