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DA FORM 461-5 Fillable – Army Pubs 461-5 PDF
DA FORM 461-5 is a standard procedure document used by the U.S. Army to conduct vehicle classification inspections. Created and maintained by the G-4 (Logistics) branch, the form helps classify military vehicles systematically.
DA Form 461-5 Vehicle Classification Inspection - TemplateRoller
Fill out and download the DA Form 461-5 Vehicle Classification Inspection document for free. Available in PDF and Word formats.
- 评论数: 72
DA Form 461-5 – Fill Out and Use This PDF - FormsPal
The DA Form 461-5, known as the Vehicle Classification Inspection form, is used by the Department of the Army in the United States to document the inspection and classification of vehicles according to AR 58-1, with the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (ODCSLOG) being the proponent agency.
- 评论数: 1
Instructions on preparation of DA Form 461-5 and DA Form 3590 are found in TB 43-0140 and TB
Prepare DA form 461-5 (Figure 1) as follows: a. Preinspection Information. Before the inspection of a vehicle, enter the following. (1) Nomenclature. Enter the vehicle's nomenclature. (2) Registration Number. Enter the Army registration number marked on the vehicle, indicate N/A if not available. (3) Date of Delivery.
DA Form 461-5. Vehicle Classification Inspection
The DA Form 461-5, also known as the Vehicle Classification Inspection form, is used by the United States Army to classify vehicles based on their weight, purpose, and other characteristics. The main purpose of this form is to ensure that all Army vehicles are properly classified and registered in accordance with Army regulations.
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MILPER MESSAGE INDEX was designed to provide a quick, efficient means to impart new procedural guidance and information to the field user. The expiration date of a MILPER Message and/or Memorandum...