4821 - Career Counselor | mosroadmap.com
Provide executive guidance and counseling regarding career opportunities, promotions, special duty assignments, and professional development. Provide fundamental manpower Professional Military Education and briefings to Marine Corps units concerning career progression/development programs.
4821 Marine Corps Career Planner | mosroadmap.com
The Marine Corps military occupational specialty (MOS) 4821 is for a Career Retention Specialist. This MOS was created in 2001 and was originally called a Career Retention Specialist (CRS). In recent years, the occupational field decided to change the name to Career Planner.
The Marine Corps has two primary enlisted career force objectives: MOS To provide the Marine Corps with the most qualified force by grade and to support staffing all authorized career force...
Marine Corps Career Retention Specialist - Wikipedia
As of May 11, 2010, the Career Retention Specialist title was officially changed to "Career Planner." All official correspondence in relation to MOS 4821, enlisted Career Planning, and designation letters will reflect this title change. The authority …
MOS 4821, Career Retention Specialist - Military Yearbook Project
The career retention specialist must be thoroughly familiar with the reenlistment process from prospecting to reenlistment ceremonies. They work within Marine Corps units, primarily as the Commander's advisor for enlisted retention matters. Typical functions of a career retention specialist include preliminary screening and administrative ...
Recruiters School - United States Marine Corps
The Basic Career Planner Course provides students with the basic capabilities necessary to obtain the primary MOS of Career Planner (4821) and to execute Headquarters Marine Corps enlisted...
2017年2月24日 · Effective immediately, corporals or sergeants reduced to corporal in accordance with (IAW)reference (a) may access into the AR program with the eventual Primary MOS (PMOS) of 4821. The 4821...
Career Counseling - hqmc.marines.mil
2024年12月19日 · Career Counselors lead, mentor, and advise Marines through records review and counseling to improve performance and competitiveness, accomplish career goals, and meet eligibility requirements for...
2023年9月28日 · Effective 1 October 2023, the following military occupational specialties (MOSs) are considered non-competitive entry-level MOSs eligible for promotion to sergeant. These MOSs are subject to change...
Units that rate and have an assigned AR or AC PMOS 4821 Career Planner will ensure the Marine is assigned to the correct Billet Identification Code (BIC) in MCTFS in order to receive Special Duty...