The PDREP assists with ensuring first time quality and on-time delivery of materiel for both critical and non-critical applications. Cancellation. SECNAVINST 4855.3C. Applicability. Applicable to all DON activities. PDREP provides DON compliance for processing and managing supplier performance information.
DISA - Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program
SECNAV Instruction 4855.3D is the foundation of the program and establishes requirements for all DON activities to report SPI into the PDREP-AIS. The AIS is the single authorized DON database used to record, collect, retrieve and analyze SPI.
PDREP Instruction - DISA
Naval Facilities Engineering Instruction 4855.1 Provided for the implementation of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP) for NAVFAC Headquarters and NAVFAC Echelon III, IV and their subordinate commence, as required by Reference (a).
NAVSEA INSTRUCTION 4855.38 From: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
FOREWORD This user guide provides information about the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program - Automated Information System (PDREP-AIS) and is intended to assist users with the Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) module functionality. This document does not cover specific policy or procedure and is designed to work in concurrence with existing processes. This guide does not ...
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Navy Standard Operating Operating Command Forces Instruction Instruction, 4855.40 Chapter 10 - Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Standard Procedure - Counterfeit - Counterfeit Prevention Guidebook
Purpose. Per references (a) and (b), this instruction provides Naval Sea Systems Command (NA VSEA) requirements for implementation and use of the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (POREP). 2. Cancellation. NA YSEAINST 4855.39 3. Scope. Reference (a) requirements apply to all organizational elements of NA VSEA.
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND 1322 PATTERSON AVENUE SE, SUITE 1000 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, DC 20374-5065 NAVFÄCINST 4855.1 OPS APR 2 2 2015 NAVFÄC INSTRUCTION 4855 .1 From : Subj . Ref : Encl : Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command PRODUCT DATA REPORTING AND EVALUATION PROGRAM (b) (c) (1) (2) SECNAVINST 4855 . 3, Product Data Reporting and …
NAVSEA 4855.39 Naval Sea Systems Command Instruction 4855.39, Implementation of the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program SECNAV Instruction 4855.3 Secretary of the Navy Instruction 4855.3, Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program SECNAV Instruction 4855.5 Secretary of the Navy Instruction 4855.5, Product Quality Deficiency Report ...