Ferrari 488 GTB (2015) - Ferrari.com
488 GTB这个名称代表着回归经典法拉利车型的番号。 名称中的488表示引擎的统一位移,而GTB表示Gran Turismo. 对于型式认证期间的适用车型,所示的燃油消耗和二氧化碳排放参数 …
2019 Ferrari 488GTB Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
With a mid-mounted twin-turbo 3.9-liter V-8, the 488GTB generates a sonorous wail and ferocious acceleration all the way to 8000 rpm, where it makes 661 horsepower. A seven-speed dual-clutch...
Ferrari 488 GTB (2015) - Ferrari.com
Discover all the specifications of the Ferrari 488 GTB, 2015: dimensions, wheel and tyres, suspension, and performance.
Ferrari 488 - Wikipedia
The Ferrari 488 (Type F142M) is a mid-engine sports car produced by the Italian automobile manufacturer Ferrari. The car replaced the 458, being the first mid-engine Ferrari to use a turbocharged V8 since the F40. It was succeeded by the Ferrari F8.
Ferrari 488 GTB Review 2025 - Top Gear
2015年12月22日 · It’s Ferrari’s first turbo-assisted mid-engined car since the iconic F40, and a sea-change in Ferrari’s future car roadmap. And that bodywork isn’t different for change’s …
2016 Ferrari 488GTB First Drive – Review – Car and Driver
2015年6月5日 · Ferrari’s bestselling model line, the mid-engine V-8, needed more power. It’s not Ferrari pushing this so much as the customers, those Ferragamo-shod masters of the universe who see progress only...
Ferrari 488 GTB specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times
2015 Ferrari 488 GTB specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, price, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated January 2025.
法拉利488 GTB - 百度百科
该车搭载一台3.9L双涡轮增压 V8发动机,最大功率493kW(670PS),最大扭矩760Nm,官方宣称极速可达330km/h,0-100km/h加速时间仅需3秒。 488 GTB的独特空气动力学外观设计采用多项专利技术,极大地提升了整车性能,配合强劲动力和优异操控表现,488 GTB为超跑界树立了V8公路跑车的全新标杆。 2015年2月, [1]法拉利发布全新研发的488 GTB中置后驱 超级跑车,将亮相三月开幕的 日内瓦国际车展,计划2015年9月投产,接替现售的458 Italia。 新车在技术上最 …
Ferrari 488 GTB Market - CLASSIC.COM
The Ferrari 488 GTB (Gran Turismo Berlinetta), beginning in 2015, was heir apparent to the 458. It is also a variant of the Ferrari 488, featuring a hardtop two-seat coupe. The exterior shares styling motifs with the 458 and features a simple interior that offers little distraction from driving.
【图】法拉利488 2015款 488 GTB报价_图片_法拉利_汽车之家
汽车之家法拉利488 2015款 488 gtb车型频道,提供法拉利汽车法拉利4882015款 488 gtb最新报价,图片,参数配置信息及保养信息,最新汽车信息尽在汽车之家 ...