2011 X5 35d error codes 4BC2, 4831, 4BC6 and A6D1 - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2016年6月25日 · Mine is 2011 X5 35d (E70) with 69k miles. I saw two major warning message from the car screen as follows. 1. "Too much engine oil level" 2. "Engine malfunction" So I checked through Carly BMW app and got the following codes. I'm quite confused because none of the codes do not seem to be related to engine oil level. 1.
Error codes 4B90, 4BC2, 4BC7, 4BA1 and EML - BIMMERPOST
2017年9月21日 · BMW says you need to reset MAF adaptations and mean quantity adaptations when a new MAF is fitted. This will also explain your lower mileage.
2011 X5 35d error codes 4C18, 4B90, 4BC2, 4831, 4BC6 - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2015年8月2日 · The mechanic suggested to fix the 4BC2, Air-mass flow sensor for $600 and said that other codes are likely to be caused by this faulty sensor. The car runs fine, btw. Any advise is appreciated.
Codes 4BC2 and 4B1C - xbimmers.com
My wife's 2011 x5d just had an engine malfunction come up. I used the bimmergeeks protools app to read the error codes. Codes I got was 4BC2 Airmass flow sensor and 4B1C Fuel Filter heating activation. Has anyone had these codes come up ?
FIXED: X5 E70 3.0D Slugging/Non-existing power - Drives like snail.
2024年4月14日 · 4BC2 - Air Flow Meter -Short Circuit Mass airflow sensor code will cause limp mode I believe, and you should have a check engine light because of it so thats confusing. I got a check engine light from a mass airflow code when the pipe from the Mass airflow sensor to the turbo came loose.
2011 x5 35d with 10 Fault Codes - Xoutpost.com
2018年2月13日 · I've spoken to at least 15 specialty shops in 2 different provinces and can't find a single one willing to tackle an SCR/DPF/EGR delete. So I'm at the point I'm just going to change the sensor. But there's more issues as well here. Cleared the codes and checked them again today and 10 codes came back.
2006 BMW 525D possible MAF issue | BMW Forums : …
2014年8月1日 · After light and message disappear, the little yellow warning triangle remains in dash. I cleared the codes, but they come back straight away (even without starting engine). So, based on peoples experiences, is this a straightforward case of a faulty MAF that needs replacing, or any suggestions for other things i should also check first.
X5 35D Engine is on reduced power | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2021年8月9日 · Hi I have a 2011 BMW X5 35d. 115k I have replaced the map sensor and the throttle body . I am still getting carly codes 004BC2, 004831, 004BC6, 004530. My question is should I replaced the mass airflow sensor next? Any help is greatly appreciated. I have worked on cars but this is my first BMW.
2015年1月29日 · 4BC2 - air flow meter signal / air mass sensor / air mass meter 4BC6 - intake air temperature sensor / intake air mass air signal / inlet air temperature I am assuming these are related to the MAF sensor, but please correct me if I am wrong.
335d fault codes - BIMMERPOST
2012年7月23日 · Following on from my previous thread I have a diagnostic carrie out at a local BMW specialist. Anyone shed any light? 4bC2 - mass air flow - try unlugging it and running the car. see if there is any difference in running the car. Try to …