约 3 个结果

Array Solutions closing doors | QRZ Forums
2024年8月30日 · Web page shows SETEC branded 4CX1000 for $1000 I am afraid the future of electronic supply is going to be Mainland Xhinese.
Alpha Radio Products Forms New Company - QRZ Forums
2009年9月16日 · The 3CX1500A7 triode-based Alpha 9500 Amplifier, dual 4CX1000 tetrode-based Alpha 8410 Amplifier, legal-limit Model 2100 Dummy Load/Wattmeter combo, and line …
The overthrow of the 15 dB rule | Page 6 | QRZ Forums
2016年4月30日 · Amen!! I've been a tech since 1994. HF used to be the carrot that the FCC dangled in front of us to get us to upgrade.