Fourth-generation programming language - Wikipedia
A fourth-generation programming language (4GL) is a high-level computer programming language that belongs to a class of languages envisioned as an advancement upon third-generation programming languages (3GL).
What is Fourth Generation Programming Language?
2024年10月4日 · A Fourth Generation (Programming) Language (4GL) is a grouping of programming languages that attempt to get closer than 3GLs to human language, a form of thinking, and conceptualization and are easier to use than 3GLs. It is a non-procedural language which means that the programmer defines what has to be done instead of how the task is to be ...
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IBM Informix 4GL
4GL Rapid Development System and Informix 4GL Interactive Debugger provide the optimal environment for developing applications, while Informix 4GL C Compiler provides high-performance application execution in the production environment. The following diagram provides an overview of the base architecture of Informix 4GL. Client Software ...
(4GL). Initially, the 4GL is defined. Three levels of users are also defined - the software engineer who creates the 4GL, the application developer who uses the language to develop a specific application program, and the final end user who operates the …
2025年2月28日 · 4GL是按计算机科学理论指导设计出来的结构化语言,如ADA,MODULA- 2,SMALLTALK-80等。 一般认为4GL具有简单易学,用户界面良好,非过程化程度高,面向问题,只需告知计算机“做什么”,而不必告知计算机“怎么做”,用4GL编程使用的代码量较之COBOL、PL/1明显减少,并可成数量级地提高软件生产率等特点。 许多4GL为了提高对问题的表达能力,也为了提高语言的效率,引入了过程化的语言成分,出现了过程化的语句与非过程化 …
Generation of programming languages - Programming …
Fourth Generation (4GL) - Very High-Level Programming Languages: Further abstracts programming concepts and is often task-specific. Often used for database interaction, report generation, and some business applications. Examples include SQL (for database queries), MATLAB (for matrix and numerical calculations), and tools like Oracle Reports. 5.
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The focus of this study is on complexity and coupling metrics. We provide a metrics based analysis of several variants of a large scale industrial product line written in the Magic XPA 4GL...
ICST formulated a schedule of tasks designed to organize and research the area of Fourth Generation Language (4GL) , and provide the needed informa-tion. Two products of these tasks are a forthcoming guide on the selection and use of 4GL, and a functional model designed to solidify the concept of 4GL into an objectively definable entity.
Fourth-generation Programming Language | Guide books
A fourth-generation programming language (1970s-1990) (abbreviated 4GL) is a programming language or programming environment designed with a specific purpose in mind, such as the development of commercial business software. In the evolution of computing, the 4GL followed the 3GL in an upward trend toward higher abstraction and statement power.
In their Genero iteration, 4GL applications run everywhere – irrespective of client, database or operating system – and with little to no modification. Be it on a green screen, on a macOS® or MS® Windows laptop, in a browser or on a smartphone, applications adapt at runtime from a single source tree. This