4GL Programming language - SourceForge
A4GL - Aubit 4GL specific syntax, including I4GL. x4GL - all of the above as general name for all; Lucky for us, Querix decided that it will not change language, and instead do all GUI related …
Fourth-generation programming language - Wikipedia
A fourth-generation programming language (4GL) is a high-level computer programming language that belongs to a class of languages envisioned as an advancement upon third-generation …
Informix Software, Inc. developed INFORMIX-4GL (Fourth-Generation Application Development Language) for the database designer who wants to create custom database management …
This Guide shows syntax that must be prepared before you can include it in a 4GL program. You must prepare any SQL statement introduced later than the 4.1 server
4GL Coding - SourceForge
Informix-4GL comes in two main flavours -- a pcode based version, called 4GL-RDS (Rapid Development System) and a C-language based version often called 4GL-C. The RDS flavour …
the predefined functions and operators of 4GL, and describes the syntax of each built-in function and built-in operator, with examples of usage. • Chapter 5, “Screen Forms,” provides an …
INFORMIX-4GL and INFORMIX-4GL Reference. Types of Users This manual is written for all 4GL users. You do not need database management experience or familiarity with relational …
Information in this INFORMIX-4GL Quick Reference Card is applicable to all INFORMIX-4GL products, including INFOR-MIX-4GL Rapid Development System, INFORMIX-4GL In-teractive …
4GL Built-In Functions and Operators Overview - SourceForge
In 4GL, a function is a named collection of statements that performs a task. The FUNCTION statement can define functions. 4GL programs can invoke the following types of functions: …
4GL Syntax Package for Sublime Text 2 - GitHub
This is an work in progress package defining syntax for Informix 4GL language in Sublime Text 2. Some snippets are also included.