4K 7FA G 127 - Army Guide
Steyr-Daimler-Puch developed an upgrade package for its 4K 7FA G 127 armoured personnel carrier along similar lines to that offered for its SK 105 tank destroyer. This includes the installation of a ZF 6HP 600 fully automatic transmission with torque converter and lock-up clutch, improved air cooling system, cyclone-type air filter system and ...
Saurer 4K 4FA - Wikipedia
The Saurer 4K 4FA is an Austrian armoured personnel carrier with caterpillar tracks. It was later replaced by the Steyr 4K 7FA G 127. It went into production in 1961. [1] In 1956, the contractor Österreichische Saurer-Werke from Vienna (which was taken over by Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG in 1970) started development of an armoured personnel carrier.
奥地利4K 7FA G 127装甲运兵车,一个冷门的装甲车族 - 知乎
4K 7FA AMC 81是自行迫击炮,车上安装了一门 81毫米迫击炮,该炮需要2名士兵操作,携带弹药78枚,它可以为前线部队提供及时的炮火支援。 该系列的变形车当然远不止于此,它还有装甲救护车、自行防空炮等车型,4K 7FA Rasit是另一种升级的装甲运兵车, 它取消了自卫重机枪,改为安装一部 地面监视雷达,内部拥有计算机管理系统,可以通过数据链与高级单位通信。 尽管4K 7FA G 127装甲运兵车在后续的发展中确实成为一个型号丰富的装甲家族,但是它仍然难以和M113 …
施泰尔4K7FAG127履带式装甲人员输送车 - 百度百科
施泰尔4K7FAG127履带式装甲人员输送车(Steyr 4K7FA G127 Tracked Armoured Personnel Carrier)是 奥地利 1976年研制,1977年生产的履带式装甲人员输送车,由早期生产的绍勒尔(saurer)4K4FA车改进而成。 加厚装甲,动力传动装置与 SK105轻型坦克 相同。 除奥地利装备外还向几个国家出口。 [1] 施泰尔4K7FAG127履带式装甲人员输送车车体为全焊接钢板结构,外形低矮,正面投影面积要比M113装甲人员输送车小20%,能防20毫米穿甲弹。 战斗全重14.8 …
Steyr Spz 4K 7FA Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) - Military Factory
2019年2月11日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Steyr Spz 4K 7FA Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
Steyr Spz 4K 7FA - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
Steyr Spz 4K 7FA History. The Austrian SPz 4K 7FA is a further development of the armoured personnel carrier (APC) 4K 4FA and its variants developed by Saurer in the 1960s. When Steyr Daimler-Puch bought the line in 1970, they produced a similar but updated 4K 7FA series that contained many of the internal components of the SK 105 light tank ...
Designated 7FA, this engine is rated at 238.72 kilowatts (320 horse-power) at 38.34 revolutions per second (2,300 revolutions per minute). The power-to-weight ratio is. 16.13 kilowatts per tonne (19.62 horsepower per ton). A 24 volt electrical system with two 12 volt/180 ampere hour batteries is the standard electrical fit. Gearbox.
Steyr 4K 7FA G 127 : Austria (AUT) - Armedconflicts.com
The Steyr 4F 7FA G127 armoured personnel carrier is a continuation of the development of the older 4K 4FA G1/G2. It has improved armour protection, a more powerful power unit and an upgraded transmission. Development began in 1976 and the first prototype was built in the same year. Series production began in 1977 and has since been completed.
4K 7FA - War vehicles Wiki
The Steyr-Daimler-Puch 4K 7FA G 127 is an up-armoured version of the earlier Saurer 4K 4FA armoured personnel carrier, which was developed to meet the requirements of the Austrian Army. The APC is fitted with the Steyr-Daimler-Puch 7FA diesel engine and transmission installed in …
4K4FA、施泰尔4K7FA G127履带式装甲人员输送车奥地利潘德轮式 …
2020年12月15日 · 该车动力为1台施泰尔7FA型4冲程6缸水冷涡轮增压柴油机,当转速为2300r/min时功率为235kW(320马力)。 传动装置为ZF S6-80型6个前进档和1个倒档的手操纵变速箱。
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