EA9RN4C2530CA - EA9R RCBO 4P C25A 30mA A | 施耐德电气
施耐德电气希望通过不断开展的“使用更好、使用更长时间、再次使用”的宣传活动来建立供应链伙伴关系、降低材料的影响力并促进材料循环,从而到2050年实现净零排放。 需要更多信息? …
断路器的RCD, RCCB, MCB, RCBO是什么意思?有什么区别? - 知乎
RCBO:是漏电保护断路器,RCBO需要符合的标准是:国际标准 IEC 61009-1:2012 和国标GB16917.1-2003; MCB:微型断路器MCB,过载和短路保护之用。 产品应符合 GB10963.1 、IEC60898标准; 区别: 1、性质不同:微型断路器是建筑电气终端配电装置引中使用最广泛的一种终端保护电器。 漏电保护断路器是为了防止在低压线路中发生人体触电或漏电造成火灾、爆炸事故的一种开关电器。 漏电保护装置是用来防止人身触电和漏电引起事故的一种接地保护装置 …
4 poles - 125 A - 30mA - class AC - Schneider Electric Global
2025年1月23日 · This is a Acti9 RCCB-ID residual current circuit breaker (RCCB). It is a 4P circuit breaker with In rated current of 125A, AC type protection class and a 30mA earth leakage …
A9R53491 - Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), Acti9 iID, 4P, …
施耐德电气希望通过不断开展的“使用更好、使用更长时间、再次使用”的宣传活动来建立供应链伙伴关系、降低材料的影响力并促进材料循环,从而到2050年实现净零排放。 需要更多信息? …
Acti9 iID - RCCB - 4P - 100A - 30mA - type AC - Schneider Electric …
Acti9 iID - RCCB - 4P - 100A - 30mA - type AC. Local distributor code: 402642558. A9R11491. Poles description: [In] rated current: Earth-leakage sensitivity: Earth-leakage protection time delay: EAN Code: 3606480089442 "Protection of persons against electric shock by direct contact"
F204 A S-125/0.3 | ABB - ABB Group
Residual Current Circuit Breaker - 4P - Type A - 300 mA - 125 A. The RCCBs F200 series assures protection to people and installations against fault current to earth. A large offer for standard instantaneous and selective AC and A types is completed with some configurations for special applications. 5.
Schneider Electric 63A 4P RCBO, 30mA剩余电流动作断路器, 500V, …
从RS在线订购Schneider Electric 63A 4P RCBO, 30mA剩余电流动作断路器, 500V, Acti 9 IID系列A9R52463 或其他RCBO并指定次日送货,可享受一流服务和大量电子元件享有更佳价格
【施耐德电气EA9RN-C25A/4P 30MA A型】施耐德电气 EA9R 4P C …
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A9R41440 - Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), Acti9 iID, 4P, …
This Acti9 iID is a modular and reliable residual current circuit breaker (RCCB). It is a 4P circuit breaker with In rated current of 40A, AC type protection class and a 30mA earth leakage …
4P RCD RCCB 30mA Residual Current Circuit Breaker TORD5
4P RCD RCCB TORD5-63 is suitable for circuits with rated voltage 230/400V AC, frequency 50/60Hz, and rated current below 125Amp. Its main working principle is: in the case of exposed live parts, RCCB provides indirect protection to the operator’s body, and an appropriate ground electrode should be connected.