5-foot-long / 5-feet-long | WordReference Forums
2007年6月6日 · a 5-feet-long rope a 5-foot-long rope Some people say that both are correct, but I'm sure that only one of them is so. Actually I've heard people saying: I'm 5 feet tall and also …
Height in AP/APA style - WordReference Forums
2015年2月24日 · When describing height in formal writing, the APA style guidelines provide an example of: She is 5-foot-3. Shouldn't it be plural instead? Feet? She is 5-feet-3? Because …
Height: 5'10" (how to say in English) | WordReference Forums
2014年12月6日 · In the UK we often say He's 5 foot 10, but technically we should say He's 5 feet 10 (inches tall). As to 'and', it sounds odd to me but I cannot exclude that there may be parts of …
Abbreviation for 'foot' in French | WordReference Forums
2006年9月9日 · Unless you are being very formal, the standard symbols would be acceptable too (at least in Canada): 5' 7" If you use abbreviations, you need to put periods: 5 pi. 7po. Fred_C
6 feet tall or 6 foot tall? - WordReference Forums
2014年12月10日 · I am 6 feet tall or I am 6 foot tall? I am 5 feet 3 or I am 5 foot 3? I am 5 feet 3 tall or I am 5 foot 3 tall? This is confusing..I checked other discussion but still perplexed.
the meaning of 5-foot-2 - WordReference Forums
2014年3月30日 · What does 5-foot-2 mean please? Thank u in advance . 0hisa2me Senior Member. Le Châtillonnais, France.
Foot or feet - WordReference Forums
2006年1月9日 · foot (MEASUREMENT) (plural feet or foot) noun [C] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION ft) a unit of measurement, equal to twelve inches or 0.3048 metres, sometimes shown by the …
The distance [...] is 0.5 foot/feet. | WordReference Forums
2010年7月2日 · In the Spanish-English grammar forum, there is an interesting discussion going on about units of measurements when the quantity of what is being measured is between 0 …
I stand 7 feet vs I am 7 feet tall - WordReference Forums
2016年12月10日 · Hello. Could you please tell me if there is any difference between "I stand 7 feet" and "I am 7 feet tall"? Can I say: I'm 7 feet tall. / I stand 7 feet tall. The building on the …
Writing someone's height. [six foot one, 6' 11 - WordReference …
2016年10月19日 · You have not given us a sentence to work with, but I would agree with nakretep that "six one" is the most natural, if there is context. Otherwise, you might include …