Telling the Time - The English Space
There are different ways to write and talk about the time. You can say the same thing in different ways. This topic will show you how to tell the time and how to ask and answer questions about …
Telling the Time in English Vocabulary
2025年1月8日 · There are two common ways of telling the time. 1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes) 2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour) For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes. For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes. When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past.
What is 5 past 4? - Answers
2024年10月21日 · Ah, 5 past 4 is simply 4:05. Just a gentle reminder that time is like a beautiful painting, each moment adding a new color to the canvas of our day. Embrace the present moment and let it bring...
英语中的时间表达法,这里全啦! - 知乎专栏
时间点的表达 1、所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读: 6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty 2、如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”:6:10 ten past six 4:20 twen…
What is 5 past 4 in digital time? - Answers
2024年10月7日 · In digital time, 5 past 4 would be represented as 4:05. This means it is 5 minutes after 4 o'clock. The hour is represented before the colon, and the minutes are represented after the colon...
How to say the time in English – Examples and Reference
15:00 is 3 o'clock (p.m.) (on TV: fifteenhundred). That's why you use a.m. (Latin: ante meridiem) and p.m. (post meridiem) in situations where it is necessary to point out that you want to say in the morning or in the evening. In other situations (or when it is clear that school starts in the morning and the party in the evening) it is left out. 2.
What's The Time? - English Grammar | English4u
There are two questions to ask for the time: What's the time? or What time is it? What's The Time - Exercise 1 - digital time. What's The Time - Exercise 2 - digital time. What's The Time - Exercise 3 - analog time. What's The Time - Exercise 4 - analog time. What's The Time - Exercise 5 - matching exercise.
5 past 4 和5 to 4 各是几点?谢谢。 - 百度知道
2008年9月21日 · 5 past 4 和5 to 4 各是几点?谢谢。5 past 4是4:055 to 4是3:55
How to Tell the Time in English (in words + exercises)
2024年2月7日 · There are two common ways to tell the time in English. The American way to tell the time is easier. You just need to say the hour followed by minutes. 05:15 It’sfive fifteen. 05:20 It’s five twenty. 05:45 It’s five forty-five. The British way is a little more complicated. You need to say the minutes first and then the hour.
What's the Time in English - English Vocabulary
There are two common ways of telling the time. Say the hours first and then the minutes. For minutes 01 through 09, you can pronounce the '0' as oh. Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59, but .