Telling the Time in English Vocabulary
2025年1月8日 · There are two common ways of telling the time. 1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes) 2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour) For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes. For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes. When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past.
Telling the Time - The English Space
There are different ways to write and talk about the time. You can say the same thing in different ways. This topic will show you how to tell the time and how to ask and answer questions about the time. This table shows different ways to show the hour. Hours. This table shows how to talk about the time in hours in minutes. Hours and Minutes.
英语中的时间表达法,这里全啦! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
It's nine thirty. =It's half past nine. 5. It's six fifteen. =It's a quarter past six. 6. It's three fifty. =It's ten to four. 二. 世纪 、 年代 、年、 月 、 日 的表达. 注意:这种情况下,实际表达的世纪数是阿拉伯数字本身加一。 注意:缩写形式后面的点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形式的符号。 例:十月一日 写作:October 1, October 1st, 1 October, 1st October, (the) 1st of October等,其中的October都可以写成缩写形式Oct. 4. 介词的使用:
How to say the time in English – Examples and Reference
15:00 is 3 o'clock (p.m.) (on TV: fifteenhundred). That's why you use a.m. (Latin: ante meridiem) and p.m. (post meridiem) in situations where it is necessary to point out that you want to say in the morning or in the evening. In other situations (or when it is clear that school starts in the morning and the party in the evening) it is left out. 2.
"3:05、4:50、6:30、21:15、20:06" 这个在 英语 (英国) 里怎么说?
4:50: "Four fifty" or "Ten to five" 6:30: "Six thirty" or "Half past six" (US/Australian English) or "Half six" (UK) 21:15: "Nine fifteen" or "Quarter past nine" or "Twenty-one, fifteen hours"
5:30用英语怎么说?有几钟说法? past, half 用在哪个时间段?_百度 …
1、最简单的用法,“小时+分钟”直接读此时5:30用英文表示为five thirty 2、所表述的时间恰好为半小时(half、past),可以用“half+pa.
What time is it? | Learn English
2014年9月16日 · five o'clock (5:00) Half past (thirty minutes past) 7:30 (half past seven) 10:30 (half past ten) 12:30 (half-past twelve) Ten-past, Twenty past. In British English, we only use past until half past (30 minutes past). We then start to use to, 'twenty to eight' (7:40). 8:10 (ten past eight) 10:20 (twenty past ten) Quarter-past (15 minutes past) 9 ...
5 Simple Rules for Telling Time in English
2017年8月17日 · There are a few rules to remember, please: #1. Telling Time in English: Using ‘Past’ or ‘To’. As we know, there are 60 minutes in an hour. With minutes 1 – 29, we say it’s past (or after) the hour. For example, “It’s ten past three”, or 3:10. Or another example, “It’s twenty after eight”, or 8:20. With minutes 31 – 59, we say to (the next hour).
Telling the Time - English online
It is half past seven. What‘s the time? It‘s five to nine. For hourly times use the phrase ‘o’clock’. For example: It is two o’clock. For any minute past the hour but before the half hour, use the word ‘past’. For any minute beyond the half hour, use the word ‘to’ before the next o’clock. 2:00 – It’s two o’clock. 2:05 – It‘s five past two.
Time - Lingolia
Past/To. In British English, we use past and to with 5 minute increments of time. Example: It’s twenty past eleven. It’s twenty to twelve. We use minutes to/past for increments of time between 5 minute divisions. Example: It’s ninteen minutes past eleven. It’s twenty-one minutes to twelve. We only use the expression o’clock on the ...
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