5.56 NATO load data 69 - 77 grain | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年8月23日 · I’ve been looking around for some load data for 5.56 69 - 77 grain bullets. Specifically for 556 pressures not 223 Remington. I’ve been looking around for load data on this, but it seems that most people provide 223 Remington data, which is …
.223/5.56mm load data 77gr SMK | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年1月22日 · Re: .223/5.56mm load data 77gr SMK I am getting 2780fps with 25.8gr of Varget in a 20" wylde chamber with no pressure signs. The same barrel on the same day gets 2830 from TAP 5.56mm which I am trying to duplicate.
77, 75, 69 vs 62 gr 5.56 choices? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年12月11日 · This whole use 77gr cuz the boys downrange use it (Hint, they couldn't use SP ammo and even if they could, their engagement ranges are past what you would have in a self defense situation. Not to mention it was an adapted LR round, not a purpose built, short barrel, short range cartridge.
Black Hills 77 grain 223 vs 5.56 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2003年11月14日 · Since Black Hills "declassified" the 5.56mm 77OTM (Mk262 mod1) and allowed its commercial sale, I get the question about the difference between 223 and 5.56mm quite often. Black Hills no longer loads different bullets for the 77gr in 223/556, EVERYTHING is the 77gr Sierra SMK with cannelure(as...
Black Hills 5.56mm 77 Grain Tipped MatchKing Ammunition
2020年3月28日 · Black Hills 5.56mm 77 Grain Tipped MatchKing Ammunition The Black Hills 5.56mm 77 grain Tipped MatchKing ammunition is loaded with the same Sierra 77 grain Tipped MatchKing projectile that is available as a reloading component (#7177), with the addition of a cannelure. The Black Hills...
Magtech (CBC) 77grn 5.56 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年12月22日 · I have shot the BH 77gr otm, IMI 77gr and the Magtech 77gr through 3 or 4 gas guns and my bolt gun. Of the three the BH is the most consistent and accurate. The IMI and Magtech group about the same, usually .25 worse then BH. The IMI runs hotter then BH and the Magtech is close to the same as BH.
5.56 77grn hunting bullet selection and reloading advice.
2020年3月1日 · IMR 8208XBR is a good powder choice for .223 / 5.56 loads as is Ramshot TAC in my experience. TAC is plentiful currently but 8208XBR is shipped in from Australia and is very scarce. Mid South Shooter Supply will allow a back order and should be able to fill it in 1-3 months. They just fulfilled my back order today actually.
Black Hills 5.56mm 77 Grain Tipped MatchKing Accuracy …
2023年8月7日 · Black Hills 5.56mm 77 Grain Tipped MatchKing Accuracy Evaluation Update In 2016 I posted an in-depth review of the Black Hills 5.56 77 grain Tipped MatchKing ammunition. Three 10-shot groups of that 2016 lot had an average extreme spread of 1.26”. The smallest of those groups had an...
Black Hills 5.56 50gr. TSX Vs 77gr TMK | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年10月23日 · The 77gr TMK is arguably the best civilian 5.56 load for soft tissue damage without barriers. LE may encounter threats in vehicles relatively often, but that is a very unlikely threat in a home defense application.
favorite Powder for 5.56 / 223 using 77 gr SMK - Sniper's Hide
2013年1月20日 · Re: favorite Powder for 5.56 / 223 using 77 gr SMK 23.5 H4895 23.2 IMR 8208 24.5 Varget 24.0 RE15 24.5 N140 23.5 N135