FN 5.7 - SS190, SS192, SS195LF, SS196 and SS197SR? - AR15.COM
2009年2月16日 · ss190 - AP, hard to come by, "not legal" ss192 - hollow point, out of production, not lead free ss195lf - hollow point, lead free primer ss196/ss197sr - plastic tip, lower velocity, ss197 is lead free IIRC, I've had issues with them in my …
Fiocchi Hyperformance 5.7x28mm velocity test - AR15.COM
2023年1月20日 · Given the poor expansion of the 5.7 Gold Dot (somehow it expands less then their .22 Mag projectile) it's hard to find a 5.7 factory load I'd suggest for SD. Hopefully PSA's new 5.7 is loaded hotter. Even bumping up to 1850fps for the 40gr would be a huge improvement.
WIll Class 3 Class Four plates stop 5.7 AP Rounds? - AR15.COM
2008年10月9日 · Level III & IV plates will defeat SS190. SS190 can penetrate a standard PASGT Kevlar helmet at up to 200 meters. Posted: 10/9/2008 6:22:44 AM EST
$600+ for 50 rounds of FN 5.7 "armor piercing" ammunition
2009年2月21日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
S&W M&P2.0 10MM vs. Ruger 5.7 > Handgun Discussions
2022年4月5日 · When those little bullets go that fast out of the 5.7, they not only zip through 3A, the temporary cavity becomes a permanent one. 5.7x28mm, .22 TCM, 9x25 Dillon are all very interesting cartridges. Posted: 4/15/2022 12:05:02 AM EDT
5.7x28 AP Black tip? - AR15.COM
2011年4月6日 · FN 5.7x28 SS190 50rd Box $225 per box + shipping ... That's what I thought but after some searching I saw ...
Looking for FN 5.7x28 SS190 ammunition . . . - AR15.COM
2006年3月6日 · If you think M855/SS109 (5.56 x 45 62 gr) sucked in terminal ballistics, what makes you think SS190 is going to be any better? There are some people reloading 5.7x28 with SS109 bullets. The SS190 is made of an aluminum core with a steel penetrator. Do a search for cut-away views of the SS109/M855. Now, imagine that it has an aluminum core.
Question on ss190 - AR15.COM
2013年9月14日 · Ss190 29.5 tac 3787 3766 3787 3798 3809 30gr TAC 3864 3921 3875 3875 3864 H335 29gr 3820 3921 3875 3820 3875 29.5gr 3875 Err 3898 3898 3887 30gr 3968 Err 3933 3968 3898 Not sure where the photo of this went, but I …
5.7x28 popularity and effective range ? > FN Herstal - AR15.COM
2011年9月25日 · For close range (like 50 meters or less), its ok. It appears to slowly be gaining poopularity with the AR57 uppers being out for a while now. If I recall correctly, another company is coming out with 2 guns in 5.7x28 in the near future, so maybe, just maybe more companies will start making 5.7 than just FN.
5.7x28 Ammo differences > FN Herstal - AR15.COM
2021年8月24日 · Realistically you are NOT going to see 3400 fps from the 16" with S4M. Closer to 2900-3000 fps on a good day. P90 will get you 2500-2600 fps. I've extensively tested just about every 5.7 load that's made commercially available, and EA's #s are overstated. Tons of velocity data here: 5.7 Velocity Test YouTube