Black Hills 5.56mm 50 grain TSX: Accuracy, Velocity and Terminal ...
2020年2月26日 · The monolithic (all copper) Barnes 50 grain TSX hollow-point bullet used in the 5.56mm Black Hills load is a proprietary design; it’s not the same 50 grain TSX projectile that is available as a reloading component.
223 50 grain v max best powder to use - Sniper's Hide
Re: 223 50 grain v max best powder to use H322 or Benchmark Varget is too slow for the little bullets in 223, can't get enough in the case. No doubt that it will shoot small groups with Varget but you can get same small group and a bunch more velocity with faster burn rate powders. 10X, N-130, N-133, 2015BR, H322, and Benchmark are all valid choices for 50 V-max out of a 223.
.222 with 50 grain bullets - Shooters' Forum
2015年9月3日 · A 40 grain Berger FBHP and LT32 got 3700 FPS!!!! 24 grains listed as MAX with Do NOT exceed listed next to it. A 40 grain Vmax MOLY allowed for same loads, slight decrease in velocity. A NAKED bullet would rquire lowering the load. See 50 Grain data for example.
223 50gr Brown Tip Frangible | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年8月3日 · I bought a bunch from american reloading. 50 grain Frangible. And I tested them, here. Looks like load data is very similar to 77 grain bullets. I used near 77 grain max loads for reasonable loads in 50 grain brown tips. One reason was the brown tips are 1" long, which is longer than 77 SMK. 50 Grain Frangible Loads
Best 50-55gr. bullets for 22-250 - Sniper's Hide
2012年2月3日 · Re: Best 50-55gr. bullets for 22-250 I learned to reload on my .22-250 and have run a bunch of different bullets and powders through it. I've had good to great results with the 50 grain Nosler ballistic tips using imr 4895 and benchmark. A friend of mine's pet load with this bullet uses the max charge of ww 760.
Black Hills 5.56 50gr. TSX Vs 77gr TMK | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年10月23日 · 50 grain TSX as loaded by Black Hills is not a hunting bullet. It’s a specially modified (beefed up) bullet specifically for barrier penetration so the petals won’t shear off when penetrating difficult barriers like auto glass. It’s excellent at its intended purpose.
223 twist rate for 50 gr bullet - Shooters' Forum
2008年2月18日 · What is the real rate of twist for a 50 grainer? I need to re-barrel my win. 70 and need to decifer the hype. My original intention was to go with 1 in 10 but after reading the 223 section here I am a bit confused. I have 12,000 50 gr. slugs to use up.
50gr bullets in a 1-8" twist .223 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年11月9日 · I shoot 50 grain MidSouth Shooter's Supply varmint Nightmare pills and 40 grain Sierra Game Kings out of 1:7 and 1:8 twist barrels. They shoot fine. Accuracy is appropriate...
.222 loads for 50 grain bullets - Shooters' Forum
2014年8月12日 · My first .222 Rem. In 722 Remington almost 50 years ago. Now have an like new 722 in .222. Used 50 grain and BLC or 4198 then. What is or are the best powders being used now with the same weight bullet?
OAL for 22-250 with Hornady 50 grain V-max - Sniper's Hide
2012年6月26日 · Re: OAL for 22-250 with Hornady 50 grain V-max With small varmint bullets in a factory chamber/barrel, your never going to be able to get close to the Lands without hanging the bullets too far out the brass. Heavy match bullets are longer, thus allow you to get closer.