Todo's IQ is over 9,000 (precisely 530,000) - Reddit
IQ values only indicate a person's ability of taking... well, an IQ test. Unless Senku somehow gave an IQ test in the manga(no spoilers pls) there would be no way to know. Though, Senku is pretty intelligent to do complex mental calculations and thinking of re-creating the best possible inventions with limited resources, incredibly fast.
Todo's "530,000 IQ," RCT, and a copium-based theory on his return
2022年4月14日 · Catered, in-depth, text-based manga discussion of the series Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. Free range for officially released chapters. -- ⚠️ LEAKS GO ONLY IN THE PRE-RELEASE MEGATHREAD. ⚠️
Users with more than 50,000 IQ - Genius
This page contains all users with more than 50,000 IQ. If there is a user not included, edit the lyrics or leave a suggestion! Also, some users might break into higher ranks, and if that happens ...
Usuarios con más de 50,000 IQ - Genius
Esta página contiene a todos los usuarios de la comunidad con más de 50,000 IQ. Si no hay un usuario incluido, edita la letra o deja una sugerencia en la parte inferior. Algunos usuarios ...
Todo IQ 530,000 : r/JuJutsuKaisen - Reddit
2021年2月26日 · Average human vs todou’s 530,000 IQ Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . More posts you may like ...
Users with more than 5,000 IQ - Genius
2017年5月7日 · 50,000 IQ + Congratulations on making it this far! Feel free to move your username here. Grand Total: 438 users between 5,000 and 50,000 IQ! Deprecated annotations. Ashley Rose (UK) x Broinator x ...
Genius Brasil – Usuários com mais de 50,000 IQ
2019年6月23日 · Who produced “Users with more than 50,000 IQ” by Genius? Who wrote “Users with more than 50,000 IQ” by Genius? Credits. Released on. June 23, 2019. Usuários com mais de 50,000 IQ Is A ...
Yessirre - Genius
yessirre | wavy. 10,000 IQ – 5/22/20 🥳 25,000 IQ – 8/13/20 😎 50,000 IQ – 12/9/20 👀 75,000 IQ – 3/26/21 🤭 100,000 IQ – 5/19/21 💯
Dyleon69 - Genius
Main genres: Rock, metal, indie/alt Milestones: 1,000 IQ: 6/01/2018 2:07pm 5,000 IQ: 10,000 IQ: 50,000 IQ: 100,000 IQ:
matthew - Genius
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9 https://images.genius.com ...