513TH Air Control Group - AF
The wing operates and maintains eight KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft providing worldwide aerial refueling to U.S. and NATO aircraft in.
513th Air Control Group - Wikipedia
The 513th Air Control Group is an Air Reserve Component unit of the United States Air Force. It is assigned to the Tenth Air Force, Air Force Reserve Command, and is stationed at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.
513th Maintenance Squadron welcomes new commander
2024年3月4日 · Lt. Col. Carol Stanley relinquished command and Maj. Ashley Hewko took command of the 513th MXS. The 513th Maintenance Squadron works in conjunction with the 552nd Air Control Wing and active-duty maintenance teams and is responsible for all intermediate-level aircraft and support equipment maintenance for the E-3 Sentry AWACS.
2016年9月13日 · The 513 th Air Control G roup ’s mission is to provide theater and Air Force commanders with trained aircrews and maintenance personnel and systems for airborne surveillance, warning and control of U.S. and allied military aircraft. The group was activated at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, in 1996, becoming the first Air Combat
513th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron | CurrentOps.com
513th AMXS; 513th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron USAF. Locations... - Present Tinker Air Force Base Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States. Follow @currentopscom. Quick facts. Component AFRC. Higher headquarters... - Present 513th ACG. Force structure Browser ...
513th Air Control Group | CurrentOps.com
513th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. 513th Maintenance Squadron. Locations... - Present Tinker Air Force Base Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States. Follow @currentopscom. Quick facts. Component AFRC. Higher headquarters... - Present 552nd Air Control Wing... - Present 507th ARW. Force structure Browser
SIGNIFICANCE: Ultramarine blue and golden yellow are the Air Force colors, and wings are emblematic of the Service. The wrench and rivets indicate the overall maintenance support mission of the unit and the three pairs of wings refer to …
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2020年7月29日 · The 513th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron consists pri-marily of aircraft maintenance Airmen who launch and recover aircraft and perform flight line aircraft mainte-nance. The 513th Maintenance Squad-ron consists of aircraft mainte-nance personnel who perform intermediate shop and support equipment maintenance. MEET THE BEST AIRBORNE
513th Maintenance Squadron - CurrentOps.com
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