BMW i8 - Wikipedia
The BMW i8 was the first BMW production model to be powered by a three-cylinder gasoline engine and the resulting specific output of 115 kW (154 hp) per liter of displacement was on par with high-performance sports car engines and was the highest of …
Used BMW i8 for Sale Near Me
What is the price of a BMW i8? The average price for a BMW i8 is $56,720. Save money by selecting from 6 of CARFAX Great Value vehicles available. CARFAX value is unique to each vehicle according to such factors as service history, accident history, and mileage. How many BMW i8s have no reported accidents or damage?
Used BMW i8 for Sale Near Me - TrueCar
TrueCar has 39 used BMW i8 models for sale nationwide, including a BMW i8 Roadster and a BMW i8 Coupe. Prices for a used BMW i8 currently range from $39,996 to $76,992, with vehicle mileage ranging from 7,088 to 87,373. Find used BMW i8 inventory at a TrueCar Certified Dealership near you by entering your zip code and seeing the best matches in ...
The BMW i8 as a classic of the future | BMW.com
This is the story of the BMW i8: from trailblazer for advanced propulsion technologies to a classic of the future. This plug-in hybrid sports car from BMW is the world’s most successful electric sports car.
BMW i8 Review 2025 - Top Gear
2018年4月30日 · Top Gear reviews the BMW i8, the world's first petrol-electric hybrid supercar. How does it fare against the competition? Find out inside.
2020 BMW i8 Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
BMW offers a single powertrain in the i8. It mates a turbocharged 1.5-liter three-cylinder gas engine with an 11.6-kWh battery pack and two electric motors. The trio of power sources combines...
今年4月正式停產!BMW 「i8 油電跑車」銷售超過2萬輛 | ETtoday …
2020年3月12日 · BMW 近日宣佈旗下油電跑車 i8 將在今年 4 月正式停產,成為暢銷油電跑車之一,列入原廠歷史經典車款當中。 i8 跑車的前身為 2009 年 IAA 法蘭克福車展登場的 BMW Vision EfficientDynamics 概念車,量產版本 i8 則於 2013 年 IAA 法蘭克福車展與 i 電動子品牌的掀背作品 i3 連袂亮相,i8 車系截至 2019 年...
寶馬 i8 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
是一輛 可插電式油電混合車,內載231匹馬力直列三缸 渦輪增壓 汽油引擎 [2],外加131匹馬力 電動馬達,共可提供362匹馬力,0-100km/h加速只需約4.4秒,電子限制的每小時最高速度為250公里(155.3英里)。 輕便的 底盤 主要用上 鋁。 在 擋風玻璃 、車頂、車門和 葉子板 是用上 聚碳酸酯 玻璃,車體的 風阻系數 為0.22。 寶馬 i8曾於 湯·告魯斯 主演的動作電影「職業特工隊:鬼影約章」中出現。 寶馬 i8曾於2015香港 渣打馬拉松 擔當官方領航計時車。 (全馬項目) 電動方程式 …
2018 BMW i8 Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
The BMW i8 isn’t the fastest supercar by any means, nor is it the greenest choice for anyone who wants long-distance EV range. But when it comes to head-turning design this BMW plug-in hybrid...
BMW i8 Roadster : prix, performances, autonomie, fiche technique
2025年2月3日 · Bénéficiant des mêmes caractéristiques que la version coupé, la nouvelle i8 Roadster associe un 3 cylindres essence de 231 chevaux et 320 Nm à un moteur électrique de 143 chevaux et 250 Nm sur...