53147A Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM, 20 GHz
The Keysight 53147A is a full featured 20 GHz CW microwave frequency counter, a true power meter, and a dc DVM. It saves rack space in an ATE system and is ideal for installation and maintenance of point-to-point microwave links.
53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM, 20 GHz - Keysight
Keysight 53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM 是集全功能 20 GHz CW 微波计数器、真正功率计以及直流 DVM 全部功能于一身的便携式一体机。 它将 3 种最常用于现场测量的仪器集成到一台设备中,是安装和维护点到点微波链路的理想工具。
Keysight 53147A, 53148A, 53149A Microwave Key features – Two channel counters offering one channel from 10 Hz to 125 MHz and the ultra-wideband continuous wave (CW) microwave input channel from 50 MHz to 20/26.5/46 GHz – True Power Meter with a selection of sensors and DC DVM for Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and Power Supply measurements
53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM, 20GHz-仪租电子
Keysight 53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM 是集全功能 20 GHz CW 微波计数器、真正功率计以及直流 DVM 全部功能于一身的便携式一体机。 它将 3 种最常用于现场测量的仪器集成到一台设备中,是安装和维护点到点微波链路的理想工具。
For measurements used in microwave component and assembly testing, the compact, three-in-one 53140 series reduces the need for expensive ATE rack space. The 53140 series comes ATE-ready with both GPIB and RS-232 SCPI programmable inter-faces. A rack mount kit is optional. Choose the frequency range you need.
Agilent 安捷伦 20 GHz 53147A 微波频率计数器/功率计
Keysight 53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM 是集全功能 20 GHz CW 微波计数器、真正功率计以及直流 DVM 全部功能于一身的便携式一体机。 它将 3 种最常用于现场测量的仪器集成到一台设备中,是安装和维护点到点微波链路的理想工具。
53147A微波计数器/功率计 - 电子发烧友网
2024年11月12日 · Keysight 53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM 是集全功能 20 GHz CW 微波计数器、真正功率计以及直流 DVM 全部功能于一身的便携式一体机。 它将 3 种最常用于现场测量的仪器集成到一台设备中,是安装和维护点到点微波链路的理想工具。
安捷伦53147A射频功率计 - 什么值得买
2023年10月8日 · 描述: Agilent 53147A 微波计数器/功率计/DVM 是集全功能 20 GHz CW 微波计数器、真正功率计以及直流 DVM 全部功能于一身的便携式一体机。 它将 3 种最常用于现场测量的仪器集成到一台设备中,是安装和维护点到点微波链路的理想工具。
53147A 20GHz Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM - RentalTec
The Keysight 53147A Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM is a full-featured 20 GHz CW microwave counter, a true power meter, and a dc DVM all in one small, convenient package. It is the ideal tool for installation and maintenance of point-to-point microwave links as three of the most commonly made field measurements are combined into one instrument.
53147A Microwave Counter/Power Meter/DVM, 20 GHz
Keysight 53147A is a full-featured 20 GHz continuous wave (CW) microwave frequency counter, a true power meter, and a dc DVM all in one small convenient package.