Germany 53 cm/52 (21") Gerät 36 - NavWeaps
2014年12月6日 · It seems unlikely that this weapon was ever intended to be used as an actual naval gun as even the gigantic H-44 battleship was to be armed with "only" 50.8 cm (20") guns. Construction was of built up design consisting of four layers; …
德三海军重型舰炮介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
53cm (21in) Gerät 36. 这门52倍径21英寸舰炮是有史以来实际制造出的口径最大的海军舰炮,比图纸船10万吨级H44型战列舰预计搭载的20英寸主炮还要大。 该炮于1938年被订购,由克虏伯公司制造,炮身和炮架均接近完工可组装试射,但炮塔并未造出。 基本性能. 40cm (16in) SKC/34. 52倍径16英寸舰炮原本是为战争海军新一代的H型战列舰准备,但是由于战争形势变化,H型战列舰的建造计划被取消,已完成的12门舰炮被运到大西洋防线作为岸防炮台使用。 基本性能. 双 …
List of naval guns by caliber - Wikipedia
This is a list of naval guns of all countries ordered by caliber.
【汉化-NW】德国- 53 cm/52 (21寸) Gerät 36
2012年11月15日 · 该型火炮由四层管套组成,一个收缩内衬管,基管和两个外套管,类似其他克虏伯的火炮设计使用横向楔块式炮闩。 火炮实际口径为53.34 厘米 (21.0寸) 。 nathan okun的表面硬化装甲穿深计算程序使用其作为炮弹样本。 1941(? (1)该型火炮的发射药由三个部分组成,前部和中部都是相同的发射药包。 后部或者主要发射药和其他德国海军火炮一样,装在一个黄铜制的药筒中。 (2)Gu RP 发射药是一种多空管硝基胍发射药。 正视很少,屁事很多。 德国53 …
What is the biggest naval gun in history? : r/WorldOfWarships - Reddit
2017年2月20日 · If you're asking for the largest naval guns ever fitted onto a warship, then yes, Yamato's 46cm guns are the largest. However, there were larger naval guns built that did not see service on a warship - the Japanese had built a 48cm gun after WW1 and were tinkering around with it until the end of WW2.
求教,53 cm/52 (21'') Gerät 36 到底存在不存在啊 - 百度贴吧
Ordered in 1938, the prototype gun and cradle were apparently fired a few times although the proof mounting was not completed. 海武上的说法,没有完成
53 cm/52 (21") Gerät 36 (German 21') - General Discussion
2024年1月7日 · As to this 530mm gun, per the article, even the napkin fantasy H44 was proposed to have 508mm guns. What would mount this? A GKF or Hannover hull with 2x triple or quad turrets maybe
Naval Range charts for 53 cm/52 Gerät 36 (Germany) - Anna’s …
One of the largest guns ever constructed, this was probably an experimental weapon. Ordered in 1938, the prototype gun and cradle were apparently fired a few times although the proof mounting was not completed.
53CM ELECTRIC WATER GUN (WITH LITHIUM BATTERY) Search Advanced Search. 0; 4040 GCC water gun. Home; About us; Category. Remote control; Baby & Ride on; Pistol; special material & functions; ... SOLID COLOR PVC BOTTLE WATER GUN. BL044926. WATER GUN. Show More. BEST LINK TOYS CO.,LTD. Chengbin …
Krupp large caliber guns of WW2 | Secret Projects Forum
2009年6月11日 · According to some reports, the H-42 and H-43 were supposed to have 48cm guns. Wikipedia, referring to Siegfried Breyer's 1973 book, reports that Hitler wanted 24-inch cannons (61cm). The Krupp 80 cm Kanone (E) Schwerer Gustav / Dora was a huge railway gun developed for a need that ultimately did not exist.
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