Class 546 Cruiser - Wookieepedia
The Class 546 Cruiser, also designated as a Lightspeed Cruiser, [2] was a modified model of Arquitens-class command cruiser primarily designed for greater speed under the Class 546 …
Class 546 Cruiser - The Mandalorian Wiki
The Class 546 Cruiser was a model of light cruiser, though it was also designated as a Lightspeed Cruiser. Resembling an Arquitens-class command cruiser of the Galactic Empire, the Class …
【正史】546级巡洋舰(Class 546 Cruiser) - 哔哩哔哩
546级巡洋舰是一种轻型巡洋舰,尽管它被指定为一艘“光速巡洋舰”。 546级(Class 546)类似于帝国的阿奎滕斯级指挥巡洋舰,她被莫夫·吉迪恩领导的帝国残余使用。
Gideon's light cruiser | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Gideon's light cruiser [6] was a Class 546 model [2] of the Arquitens-class command cruiser [3] under the command of Moff Gideon in the years after the Battle of Endor. [6] During the rescue …
《曼达洛人》第二季里的“独占”载具盘点 - 哔哩哔哩
Class 546巡洋舰是轻型巡洋舰的一种型号,尽管它也被指定为一艘光速巡洋舰。 Class 546巡洋舰类似银河帝国的阿奎腾斯级指挥巡洋舰,由吉迪恩总督率领的帝国残余使用。
RPGGamer.org (Starships D6 / Class 546 Cruiser)
Resembling an Arquitens-class command cruiser of the Galactic Empire, the Class 546 Cruiser was used by an Imperial remnant led by Moff Gideon. Although similar to the command cruiser …
Moff Gideon's Class 546 Cruiser COMPLETE BREAKDOWN - YouTube
In the Mandalorian we saw what appears to be a new Arquiten-class cruiser variant. This is officially called the Class 546 Cruiser, and is based off of the A...
Gideon's light cruiser | Imperial Forces Wiki | Fandom
Gideon's light cruiser was a Class 546 model of the Arquitens-class command cruiser under the command of Moff Gideon in the years after the Battle of Endor. During the rescue of his …
Gideon's fleet - Wookieepedia | Fandom
A small fleet served under the command of Moff Gideon as part of his Imperial remnant.[1] By 9 ABY,[9] The fleet included the flagship, Gideon's light cruiser which was a Class 546 light …
Class 546 Cruiser | Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki - Fandom
The Class 546 Cruiser is a modified model of Arquitens-class command cruiser primarily designed for greater speed, though it is also designated as a Lightspeed Cruiser. The Class 546 Cruiser …