All Amps Ranked - Angels of The Zariman : r/Warframe - Reddit
2022年5月15日 · If you're only going to make 1 amp and use it for everything, imo, make a 747. The Phahd sucks for Eidolons but is great for killing actual dudes, which, at the very least, means you're pretty much always, even in Steel Path, going to be able to self-revive with the new Unairu waybounds, and Klamora can melt Eidolon shields and Void Angels well ...
Is a 547 better than a 747 for normal gameplay (and Void ... - Reddit
2022年6月14日 · Is a 547 better than a 747 for normal gameplay (and Void Angels/Tridolons)? Right now I have a 747 amp with Eternal Eradicate and Virtuos Shadow (and I'm considering replacing it with Eternal Onslaught later because it synergizes with Void Strike which eats all of my operator energy).
What’s the best amp? Should I go with what everyone says and ... - Reddit
2022年1月31日 · I believe I use the 547. Alt fire glaive is great at dealing with a group of enemies, usually voms. Primary fire is nice for some solid damage, and applies the void status well enough so you can apply it to an eidolon limb and then shoot the alt fire glaive into the bubble, where it'll bounce around and take an entire shield down in a few seconds.
[Top 10] Warframe: Best AMP Combinations That Are Powerful
2024年4月28日 · Imagine the 147 but burst-fire, That’s basically the 547 Amp. What’s the main advantage of burst-fire against semi-auto? Well, the 547’s burst-fire actually beats out the raw DPS of the Raplak Prism by 1,124.8 provided your entire burst hits the target.
OPA547 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s OPA547 is a High-Voltage, High-Current Op Amp with shutdown capability. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
Amp | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom
Amps are special modular weapons used by Tenno Operators to enhance their combat capability, which can be acquired from The Quills and Vox Solaris.
Lf amp advice :: Warframe General Discussion - Steam Community
2024年10月3日 · Here is a simple answer: 547; R5 Eternal Eradicate & Onslaught. you can one shot each phase of the void angel with just a 1-1-1 amp. Use madurai and the zaruman arcanes. obv the fortuna amp parts will buff your dmg even more but you should start with the other stuff first as its less of a grind compared to little duck. Originally posted by Veezora:
NPN General Purpose Amplifier BC547 BC547A BC547B BC547C This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 300 mA. Sourced from Process 10. See PN100A for characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA …
OPA547T-1是一款高电压/大电流运算放大器,非常适合驱动各种负载。 激光修整的单片集成电路具有出色的低电平信号精度以及高输出电压和电流。 OPA547采用单电源或双电源供电,以提高设计灵活性。 在单电源操作中,输入共模范围扩展到地电位以下。 OPA547具有内部保护,可防止过热情况和电流过载。 此外,OPA547旨在提供准确的,用户选择的电流限制。 与使用功率电阻与输出电流路径串联的其他设计不同,OPA547间接检测负载。 这样就可以通过0至150?A的控制 …
547 vs 577 amp against eidolon : r/Warframe - Reddit
2022年5月23日 · Quick question: I know the 577 is much better against eidolons, but my question is, if the 547 can get stuck with the Phad at the eidolon and drain…