MX550和RTX3050对比,差多少?怎么选? - 知乎专栏
RTX3050呈现出了对MX550的碾压之势,就算是35W的RTX3050,也只是降低20%左右性能,轻松暴打MX,更何况还有4G显存; 另外就是散热了: 轻薄本主流是金属机身了,RTX3050的游戏本,大多数还是塑料C面,隔热效果好点,而且游戏本散热强,一般键帽温度不超过40度; 但MX独显的轻薄本就是另外一码事了,显卡长时间满载的情况下,动辄45度; 如果是RTX3050的轻薄本,那么散热表现跟MX轻薄本也相差无几(轻薄和性能无法兼顾) MX的定位,及时给平 …
Radeon RX 550显卡性能测试:这性能还要啥核显? - 数码科技
从华硕官网来看,这款RX 550-4G显卡规格与AMD资料中一直,频率最高1183MHz,显存频率7000MHz,不过显存容量比标准的2GB高一倍,配备 DVI 、 HDMI 及DP 接口。 原 视频 中有详细的游戏过程,不过这里我们只看下他测试的结果吧,需要指出的是他的游戏平台配置还是蛮高的,Core i5-7400处理器,16GB内存,而对比的重点就是处理器自带的HD 630核显。 坦克世界游戏性能测试. 在Low画质下,RX 550平均帧114fps,HD 630核显为92fps,领先幅度约为24%。 …
AMD Radeon RX 550 Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
2017年3月20日 · The Radeon RX 550 was an entry-level graphics card by AMD, launched on April 20th, 2017. Built on the 14 nm process, and based on the Lexa graphics processor, in its Lexa PRO variant, the card supports DirectX 12. This ensures that all modern games will run on Radeon RX 550.
AMD Radeon RX 550显卡怎么样-性能跑分什么级别_显卡天梯图
amd radeon rx 550介绍:rx 550更适合预算有限的pc版本和要求不高的游戏。凭借当前的2048 mb ram,rx 550在更现代的游戏中可能会遇到与内存相关的严重瓶颈。 rx 550的功率要求是合理的,与竞争对手相比它非常高效。
UserBenchmark: AMD RX 550 vs Nvidia RTX 2060
Based on 725,054 user benchmarks for the AMD RX 550 and the Nvidia RTX 2060, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 721 GPUs.
RX 550 与 RTX 2060 12 GB [在 1 基准测试] - Technical City
我们对 Radeon RX 550 和 GeForce RTX 2060 12 GB 进行了比较,包括规格和所有相关基准。 根据我们的综合基准结果,RTX 2060 12 GB的表现比RX 550高出了488%。 分享。 关于类型(对于台式计算机或笔记本电脑)和Radeon RX 550和GeForce RTX 2060 12 GB架构的信息,还有有关销售开始时间和当时成本的信息。 为了得到一个指数,我们比较了视频卡的性能和它们的成本,同时考虑到其他视频卡的成本。 Radeon RX 550和GeForce RTX 2060 12 GB的一般参数:着 …
RTX A400 vs RX 550 [2-Benchmark Showdown] - Technical City
We've compared Radeon RX 550 with RTX A400, including specs and performance data. RTX A400 outperforms RX 550 by a whopping 111% based on our aggregate benchmark results. GPU architecture, market segment, value for money and other general parameters compared. The higher the performance-to-price ratio, the better.
RTX 3060 vs RX 550 [2-Benchmark Showdown] - Technical City
We've compared Radeon RX 550 and GeForce RTX 3060, covering specs and all relevant benchmarks. RTX 3060 outperforms RX 550 by a whopping 530% based on our aggregate benchmark results. GPU architecture, market segment, value for money and other general parameters compared. The higher the performance-to-price ratio, the better.
AMD Radeon RX 550 vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 - Versus
What is the difference between Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 and AMD Radeon RX 550? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the graphics card ranking.
PassMark - Radeon RX 550 - Price performance comparison
Price and performance details for the Radeon RX 550 can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily. The first graph shows the relative performance of the videocard compared to the 10 other common videocards in terms of PassMark G3D Mark.