Looking for good 55MM fans - RC Groups
2012年12月23日 · Not sure they copunt as cheap but I have found the Vasafan 55mm to be very good and coupled with a Tenshock viper motor I have been able to wring 825g thrust out of a 55mm fan with a good efficiency to boot. See New Vasafan 50 and 55 especially post #38 to #40 which I have recently posted. I have no involvement with Vasa other than having ...
HobbyKing 55mm Ducted Fan and ESC - RC Groups
2025年1月17日 · Picco P-45 Ducted Fan Engine and Kress 740 Ducted fan unit: rcrube: Fuel Engines and Accessories (FS/W) 2: Mar 27, 2022 11:33 AM: Sold: HC-Hobby MIG-29 EDF Electric Twin 55mm Ducted Fans w/ Brushless Motor, ESC: brandonmoon: Electric RC Jets (FS/W) 3: Feb 03, 2014 01:03 PM: For Sale: KMS Ducted …
EDF 55mm best performance combo - RC Groups
2006年8月15日 · To get 22ounces thrust thru two different 55mm fans it will take the same velocity, the only way efflux speed will differ is if the fan annulus/fan swept area is different. The fan has to move a defined volume of air at a defined velocity to get a defined ammount of thrust.
GWS 55MM Fans? - RC Groups
2004年9月21日 · GWS 55MM Fans? Has anyone used one of the GWS fans with a brushless on it. I guess it seems like I am looking for a fan that has a bit more load then the Wemo Micro fan but not as much as the Vasa.
EDF 55mm best performance combo - Page 2 - RC Groups
2006年8月16日 · Best combo for 55mm fan 6s on hacker B2022L with heat sink Best combo of 50mm wemo fan 5s razor 2500 (or B2015L) on 5s also with heat sink. Use packs that can handle around 15amps Best=light weight Best combo for 55mm fan razor 2500 3s (or B2015l but heavy) no sink needed Best combo for 50mm fan razor 300 3s period. Best=cheap
Conversion 50mm to 55mm or 64mm - RC Groups
2024年9月27日 · There are really good 50mm fans, FMS for example. 50mm fans can have quite high efflux velocities, depending on fan possibly higher than a 55mm fan. If top speed is what you are after you may find a 50mm fan is what you actually want. Seems like a lot of effort sanding all the internal ducting and exhaust to fit a 55mm if the gain is minimal?
Higher Pressure Ducted Fans - RC Groups
2007年11月1日 · I've done some tests with the 55mm XF-Fan. With a 47mm outlet diameter (90% FSA) I measured 1.0068bar (or 0.10psi) static pressure rise. Closing the exit to the point before stall occurs (not sure what the diameter was as I just squeezed the plastic tube) I got 1.0087bar (0.13psi) static pressure.
Lightweight options for around 50mm fan size? - RC Groups
2008年4月3日 · for the 55mm gws/hyper/vasa around 3900kv these should get you in the 125-150 watt range which is in the upper reaches of a 3s 700-900 mah pack. if you trying for max thrust then def go with a 55mm fan if you can fit it. there are other fans like the gws 50 and the xf 56 and the alfa 3 and 5 blade.
50 - 55mm fan question? - RC Groups
2018年10月8日 · Discussion 50 - 55mm fan question? Electric Ducted Fan Jet Talk
EDF position - RC Groups
2013年11月30日 · I bought a cheap 55mm out runner EDF to be installed in a lightweight Depron scale jet. The issue with the out runner type EDF is the relatively large motor and fan hub diameter resulting in a relatively small fan swept area. 55mm dia duct = 2376 sqmm Fan swept area = 2376-530 (fan hub area) = 1845 sqmm (78%)