56 - Emojipedia
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全部Emoji (3781) | EmojiAll
这是全部Emoji的列表,包括10个主要类别和110个子类别,共计3781个。 该列表中除了基本emoji,还包含了它们的变体(即改变了肤色和样式的基本emoji),因此您可能会看到同一个emoji出现好几次。
Emoji All
Explore the most comprehensive and up-to-date emoji library. 👆Click to copy, with support for both Chinese and English emoji search 🔍. Find your favorite emoji symbols and enjoy the fun and creativity of expressions 🎨.
微信表情列表 - EmojiAll
微信(wechat)支持全部的emoji表情符号,另外,它还有数百个独立设计的微信表情包,其中大多数微信表情都有对应的emoji,这些表情可以在微信软件中使用表情键盘(菜单)输入,可以在表情名称前加上一个斜杠“/”来快捷输入,也可以在表情名称前后加上中 ...
Emojis.Wiki — 表情符号的含义百科全书
适用于iOS、Android和其他设备的Emojis全集。 📚表情符号含义,💬使用示例,🙅♀🍕🍔🍟组合等!易于搜索,复制和粘贴!
Emoji表情大全可复制 - Emoji8
Emoji8 提供各种可复制的表情符号,包括笑脸、人物、动物、食物和几何图形。
Emojipedia — Home of Emoji Meanings
These are the emojis you’ll likely see in the starting lineup. Our personal new years are full of opportunities for emojis to help us celebrate our growth—and have some much-earned festive …
[56 Emojis | | Copy & Paste
We've searched our database for all the emojis that are somehow related to [56. Here they are! There are 11 of them, and the most relevant ones appear first.
The Ultimate Emoji Guide: Meanings, Pictures, Codes and …
Searchable emoji 📔 directory with meanings, ⌨️ codes, 📋 copy function and 🖼 pictures for all common platforms and applications, based on the latest Unicode standard.
在线Emoji符号大全 - 56在线工具
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