Solved: FlexRIO (NI 5785) complex transmission - NI Community
2023年7月17日 · But again, since PXIe-5785 does not have analog front-end such as amplifier, attenuator, etc, you are required to have external circuits for over-the-air kind of thing. I guess, …
Frequency Shift VI - FlexRIO FPGA DSP - NI Community
2023年8月14日 · I understand most of the FPGA code in the NI-provided shipping example (Getting Started 5785), but the DSP VIs, especially the Frequency Shift VI, are giving me a …
[PXIe-5785] Acquiring at 6.4 GSps... how? - NI Community
2021年10月28日 · Hello there. Regarding the example design ("Getting started"), I am trying to acquire samples at a rate of 6.4 GSps instead of 3.2 GSps without success. There is not much …
PXIe 5785 stopped working - NI Community
2023年1月14日 · Hi, I was working with a pxie 5785 board, suddenly the system stoped working and the system didnt recognized the board, please help me and give me some advice , I …
NI-TCLK: Two FlexRIO Digitizer [PXIe-5785] uses NI-TCLK ... - NI …
2021年8月4日 · Yes the generated sample code (Example Finder: 5785) and it works with 2 PXIe-5785 communicate to Host. My main use case: I have two DAQ cards (PXIe-5785) running on …
Solved: Question about NI 5785 data clock - NI Community
2020年4月2日 · Hi everyone, I was getting confused of NI 5785 data clock. It seems this card FPGA data clock to generate analog output is 200MHz. But this card output sampling rate is …
Re: FlexRIO (NI 5785) complex transmission - NI Community
2023年7月24日 · Hello, I guess both case can be accomplished with PXIe-5785. For the both cases, single input version (IF) as well as two input version (I and Q) have nominal voltage …
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2025年2月18日 · In my opinion for the next few weeks months upwards to 5,785. For the hand-to-hand fight I couldn't tell you. mastering the pyramiding technique can be interesting. grand …
Re: PXIe 5785 stopped working - Page 2 - NI Community
2023年3月4日 · Dear Terry, I have done the last thing which you told but nothing happened, is there any other way to communicate with board? using any library to configure it with visual …
Aurora 64B66B Pattern Controller and Simple Streaming ... - NI …
2021年4月14日 · The FlexRIO MGT DIO Socketed CLIP used in the example should work for the Nano-Pitch I/O connector on all Kintex UltraScale FlexRIO FPGA Targets, including the PXIe …