台湾瀚斯音响6L6推挽胆机拆解图集 - hifidiy
台湾瀚斯音响的这台6L6/5881 PP放大器属于典型的日系真空管机特色,音色细腻,线路除了沿用上杉佳郎设计的线路外,高压电源配置还采用了Dual Mono设计,高压电源CLC为左右声道各自独立。
5881 - JJ Electronic
5881 is a beam power pentode with a maximum plate dissipation of 23W in the classical short bulb. It is very similar to the 6L6 sound but with less power. It can be used in any 6L6 amplifier.
25w 5881 PP Valve Amp - New Tone Control Board - YouTube
Refurbishing a 5881 PP 25w Class AB1 valve amplifier aka BGA = Big Green Amp. Fitting a new tone control board to the BGA, testing it, fault finding on a constant current sink & a final final...
5881 PP Restoration - diyAudio
2024年3月25日 · I rescued a 5881 mono block from a relative and in the process of restoration. I assume it was build in the 1950s and remember listening to it in the 70s...
台湾瀚斯音响6L6推挽胆机拆解图集 - 讨论区 - 热点科技 - Powered …
2013年1月29日 · 台湾瀚斯音响的这台6L6/5881 PP放大器属于典型的日系真空管机特色,音色细腻,线路除了沿用上杉佳郎设计的线路外,高压电源配置还采用了Dual Mono设计,高压电源CLC为左右 ...
Triode comparison - EL34, 6L6, 5881, KT88, 6550 etc | diyAudio
2024年9月4日 · I'm looking for some sonic comparisons between these much-used octal outputs wired in triode. Plus any fairly close octal equivalents like KT66, KT77, KT120, KT150 etc. Not including the lower power octals like the 6V6 family which we know to be good - just those with dissipation of 18W or over in triode.
EL34/6L6-GC/5881兼用UL接続ppアンプ | 真空管アンプの自作/クラシック音楽/家庭菜園/自然(雑草の花)/鉄道写真
2014年5月17日 · el34/6l6-gc/5881兼用UL接続ppアンプ 今回は、EL34のプッシュプルアンプを2台、紹介します。 (その他に1台、末尾でオマケの6AQ5シングルアンプも紹介します)
6P3S-E push pull amp build log - diyAudio
2024年4月2日 · EFB modulates your bias voltage, as well as your screen supply according to the variation in B+ Kevin Ward adapted EFT to a 1625 PP amplifier which is close to your 6P3S-E tube, but with top cap.
5881/6L6WGC-PPアンプの製作5: 晴輪・雨楽
DIY Single-Ended (SE) 6L6 / 5881 Tube Amplifier
2014年9月9日 · Instructions to build a Single-Ended (SE) 6L6 / 5881 Vacuum Tube Amplifier. Power output is about 10 Watts in class-A operation.
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