595th Command and Control Group Fact Sheet - Eighth Air Force
The 595th Strategic Communications Squadron provides highly skilled Airmen enabling global strike by providing real-time and secure nuclear-survivable missile warning and C3 capabilities.
595th Command and Control Group - Wikipedia
The mission of the 595th Command and Control Group is to consolidate the Air Force's portion of the nuclear triad, including Air Force nuclear command and control communications, under the …
595th Command and Control Group > Air Force Global Strike …
The 595th Strategic Communications Squadron provides highly skilled Airmen enabling global strike by providing real-time and secure nuclear-survivable missile warning and C3 capabilities.
595th SCS Airmen participate in DOD-Silicon Valley partnership
2018年1月12日 · The 595th SCS works on the Strategic Automated Command and Control System, which coordinates the operational functions of U.S. nuclear forces. The entire system …
595th Command and Control Group activates at Offutt
2016年10月4日 · The 595 th Command and Control Group will be activated under Air Force Global Strike Command in an Oct. 6 ceremony at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. The realignment …
3-D printing solves maintenance issue - U.S. Strategic Command
2022年5月4日 · When their supplier discontinued manufacturing of a red fault indicator lens cap to cover the lights on the Strategic Automated Command and Control (SACCS) systems, the …
Bomber and NC3 operators speak on leadership opportunities in …
2022年8月11日 · Currently Minnig leads a team focused on NC3 communications that deals with the E-4B NAOC and the Strategic Automated Command Control System, a system that is …
595th Command and Control Group, NAOC Change Commands
The 595th C2G was activated Oct. 6, 2016 with the realignment of the 1st ACCS, and the 625th STOS while the 595th AMXS and 595th SCS, were newly-created. Just as the 2016 merger …
595 Command and Control Group (AFSPC)
2000年4月7日 · Launched and tested missile, space and aeronautical systems in support of Department of Defense (DOD) programs. After the loss of Space Shuttle Challenger in Jan …
US Air Force 3D prints spare parts to solve maintenance issues
2025年3月14日 · For its latest 3D printing-focused project, the 595th Strategic Communications Squadron of the USAF, which operates the SACCS, has leveraged the technology to improve …