5AT Home Page - Advanced Steam Traction
The Fundamental Design Calculations, plus the use of 21 st Century Design Tools and Techniques are the foundation of the Trust’s capability to offer its services to the heritage railways, mainline steam locomotives and new-build steam projects. Features of the 5AT included:
5AT Advanced Technology Steam Locomotive - Wikipedia
The 5AT Advanced Technology steam locomotive was a conceptual design conceived by the British engineer David Wardale, [1] and first described in his 1998 definitive work on modern steam, The Red Devil and Other Tales from the Age of Steam.
Advanced Steam Traction Advanced Steam Traction
The Advanced Steam Traction Group (AST Group) was established in 2012 following the closure of the 5AT Project. The group consists of the Advanced Steam Traction Trust – ASTT, a not-for-profit company, and Advanced Steam Traction Services Ltd – ASTS, which undertakes commercial activities on behalf of the Trust.
5AT Legacy - Advanced Steam Traction
5AT team members set up the AST Trust in 2012 following the demise of the 5AT Project, inheriting from it the knowledge and experience gained from extensive studies conducted for the 5AT Project, together with the Fundamental Design Calculations prepared by David Wardale for the 5AT locomotive, and a large amount of supporting documentation ...
The 5AT Group | 5AT Advanced Steam Locomotive Project
In reaching its decision to suspend further work on the 5AT Project (see announcement page), the group's members have moved on to establish the Advanced Steam Traction Trust (AST) for the purpose of taking forward the knowledge gained from their work on the 5AT.
Home | 5AT Advanced Steam Locomotive Project
5AT Group aims to ensure the future of steam on the rail network, via mods to increase locomotive performance & reliability, reduce both carbon emissions and minimize operating & maintenance costs.
8ATT 2-8-4T Tank Locomotive | 5AT Advanced Steam Locomotive …
The 8ATT 2-8-4 tank engine concept is another possibility for modern steam traction incorporating some of the AT (advanced technology) features of the 5AT. Whilst being similar in principle to 8AT conceptual design, the tank engine configuration, having no tender, is lighter and less costly than a tender engine.
关于变速箱 5AT和6AT到底差距有多大 - 汽车之家
2012年10月13日 · 关于变速箱 5at和6at到底差距有多大 很多人提及变速箱,就是越高越好 现在市场上普遍的都是6AT,国产车 韩系车应用的更广泛, 每每一提到马6的5AT很多人的观点都是5AT的技术落后市场好几年了,关于5AT和6AT作为新人我想了解的这两者到底差距很大吗 对整车 …
AT变速箱最新资讯及技术分析(二十一)—为什么5AT和7AT没有 …
明显5at是最差的,还不如6at、8at,甚至比9at、10at都差,实现5个挡位所需的齿轮机构、离合器/制动比14at都多,非常不合算。 因此,5AT想做到体积重量小,十分困难,肯定在AT变速箱的技术迭代中首先被淘汰。
Steaming ahead - Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Around 300 trains a year in the UK are hauled by heritage steam locomotives. In today’s congested rail network the 5AT would have the edge over such locomotives, which have to stop for water more frequently, and would be able to reach popular destinations such as York or Bath from London without stopping.