Panzergranate 39 - Wikipedia
The Panzergranate 39 or Pzgr. 39 was a German armor-piercing shell used during World War II. It was manufactured in various calibers and was the most common anti-tank shell used in German tank (German: Kampfwagenkanone; shorted to KwK) and anti-tank guns (German: Panzerabwehrkanone (n); shortened to PaK) of 37 to 88 mm (1.5 to 3.5 in) caliber.
5 cm Panzerjägerkanone 38 - Panzerworld
2023年10月12日 · numbers, 74 is more probable. 5 cm Pzgr. The ammunition used for the 5 cm Pak 38 and the 5 cm Kw K 39 (L/60) used on the Pz Kpfw III was identical. Nevertheless, the ammunition was identified both in documents and on the rounds as being intended for either the anti-tank or tank guns.
5cm Pak 38反坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
5cm Pak 38(L/60) 是納粹德國50毫米口徑的反坦克炮。 它于1938年由萊茵金屬公司研發,並且繼任了原有的 3.7cm PaK 36反坦克炮 ,並且之後被 75毫米PaK 40反坦克炮 所替代。
5 cm Pak 38 - Wikipedia
The 5 cm Pak 38 (L/60) (5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 38 (L/60)) was a German anti-tank gun of 50 mm calibre. It was developed in 1938 by Rheinmetall-Borsig AG as a successor to the 3.7 cm Pak 36, and was in turn followed by the 7.5 cm Pak 40. The unique curved gun-shield design differed from most WWII anti-tank guns which had either one flat or two ...
pzgr.39和pzgr.39/42穿深上的一些区别 - 百度贴吧
而美国人1945年9月的一个有关德国被帽弹的文档中提到了一种75毫米“pzgr.39”的打靶实测(注意,pzgr.39是统称,pzgr.39/42也可以说是pzgr.39) 900mps左右就击穿了100/45的RHA,可见45度穿深有一定提升。 我们可以看出德国人似乎在39/42上做了些调整,以弱化30度穿深为代价换来更强的45度穿深。 至于这是否就是论坛上流行的那次“39/42的改进”,我就不得而知了。 第二张图为pzgr.39/42和pzgr.40/42结构图。 对比可知被帽形状,弹重,尺寸等都没有太大差异,具 …
三号坦克L型(Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.L) - il2 specs
5 cm Pzgr.39. 炮弹上装有爆炸弹头。 对抗装甲目标效果好。击穿时对目标内部造成比穿甲弹(AP)更大伤害,但是榴弹(HE)装药可能过早引爆(比如用于对抗间隙装甲板时) 质量 2.06 kg,炸药质量 17 g. 当从5cm KwK 30 L/60火炮发射时: 炮口初速:835 m/s,近距离装甲穿 ...
75cm Pzgr 39/42比90mm M82的穿透力更强 - 百度贴吧
一路看下来,从0度至45度,7.5cm Pzgr39/42全胜,对比的还是弹重大得多的90mm弹。 不得不说德子搞被帽弹是有一手的。 当然是KwK 42打7.5cm Pzgr 39/42比90毫米M3打M82更强. 看样子,不用T33神单,90L50火力不及75L70? 7.5cm Pzgr..首先是对于8英寸左右,0度铸造钢的对比:对于8.15寸的0度铸钢,Pzgr39/42对其的BLN为“小于2913fps”。 而90mm M82对于8寸0度则是3196fps(看不清)附赠HPP礼包。 需要.
Armor Penetration Table - Panzerworld
2021年4月10日 · 5 cm Pzgr. 40/1: APCR-T: 1.060 kg: 1130 m/s: 116 mm: 76 mm: 55 mm: 44 mm--5 cm Stiel-Gr. 42: HEAT: 180 mm-----5 cm Flak 41; 5 cm Pzgr. 42: ABCBC-HE: 2.230 kg: 830 m/s: 65 mm: 50 mm: 75 mm guns. Ammunition Type Weight Muzzle velocity Range; 100 m 500 m 1000 m 1200 m 1500 m 2000 m; 7,5 cm Kw K …
5cm Pzgr. Patr. 39 – INERT ANTI-TANK ROUND - Axis Militaria
You are bidding on a VERY RARE and 100% INERT example of a WW2 German Wehrmacht 5cm Panzergranatpatrone 39 (Pzgr.Patr.39) “Improved” Armor-Piercing Capped High-Explosive Anti-Tank Cannon Round with Tracer (APC-HE-T)! This was the standard ordnance for the Long-Barrelled 5cm KwK.39 L/60, used on the Pzkpfw. III (Ausf.
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition, Part 6; German Cartridge, 5 cm …
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition, Part 6; German Cartridge, 5 cm A.P. Shot (Arrowhead) (5 cm Pzgr. 40) The round is used with the 5 cm Pak 38 (anti-tank gun) and has an overall length of 19.5 inches. The conical head of the projectile, protruding …