5IVE yo-yo by Yoyorecreation - YoYoExpert
Introducing the 5IVE Yo-Yo by Yoyorecreation, crafted by visionary Kengo Kido with the goal of spreading the joy of yo-yoing to all, regardless of skill level. In an era of advanced yo-yo technology, Kengo Kido aimed to recapture the essence of yo-yos.
ヨーヨー :: ファイブ - ヨーヨーリクリエーションストア
「ファイブ」は誰もが同じ目線で同じトリックに取り組むことができるというコンセプトで製作されました。 回す、技をする、キャッチする、それだけで楽しいヨーヨーに仕上がっています。 「ファイブ」が分け隔てなく全ての人にヨーヨー本来の楽しさをお届けします。 *こちらのヨーヨーは引き戻し仕様です。 *商品に細かい傷がある場合がございますがこちらのヨーヨーの性質上不良品ではございません。 ご理解よろしくお願いいたします。 © 2013 - 2025 ヨー …
YO-YO :: 5IVE - ヨーヨーリクリエーション オンライン ...
5IVE is a yo-yo that designs the way you play yo-yo. "5ive" is designed with the concept that all yo-yo players can tackle the same tricks from the same perspective. Spinning, performing tricks, and catching are all fun with the "5IVE.
Yoyorecreation - 5IVE | 44EMPORIUM
Yoyorecreation - 5IVE is now available at 44emporium.com. Kengo Kido, the owner of Yoyorecreation has created this yo-yo for everyone to "enjoy" yoyoing. Modern yoyos have evolved exponentially in the last few years. With the yo-yo technogy making its peak, Kengo started to think about the essence of the yoyos.
yoyorecreation - 5IVE - YoYo Shop SPINGEAR
ヨーヨーリクリエーションからリリースされた、有効幅が約5mmの引き戻しヨーヨーです。 2023年のプレリリース版からの変更点として、内部のデザインに改良が施されています。 ファイブというヨーヨーの開発に至るまでの背景や、設計者の思いが語られている note も機会があればぜひ読んでみてください。 ※ヨーヨーの性質上、細かい傷・汚れ等が発生している場合があります。 製品仕様としてご了承ください。 YYRレスポンスパッド 5IVE用 / …
What’s new in September 2023 - Yoyorecreation
The new yo-yo “5IVE” is now available for beginners and advanced players who can experience the same fun! The “SAVAGE” the partner of Ayumu Kasuga, Team YYR, has finally been completed. The 50mm ultra-wide bodies equipped with wings, which makes full use of Onslaught’s know-how, supports a speedy and aggressive style.
Yoyorecreation® | ヨーヨーリクリエーション9月の新製品のお知 …
The new yo-yo “5IVE” is now available for beginners and advanced players who can experience the same fun! The “SAVAGE” the partner of Ayumu Kasuga, Team YYR, has finally been completed. The 50mm ultra-wide bodies equipped with wings, which makes full use of Onslaught’s know-how, supports a speedy and aggressive style.
5IVE yo-yo by yoyorecreation – Store – Spinkult
Responsive pocket-sized yo-yo featuring Size A bearing and custom response pad system.
Yoyorecreation 5ive Yo-Yo - Responsive YoYo| YoYoSam
"5ive" is designed with the concept that all yo-yo players can tackle the same tricks from the same perspective. Spinning, performing tricks, and catching are all fun with the "5IVE". It is a revolutionary yo-yo that allows everyone to experience the original joy of yo-yoing.
Yoyorecreation 5ive | Ozhiriz Yoyo Shop
Introducing the 5IVE Yo-Yo by Yoyorecreation, a revolutionary creation crafted by the visionary Kengo Kido with one simple goal in mind: to bring the joy of yo-yoing to everyone, regardless of skill level or experience.
yoyorecreation - 5IVE - YoYo Shop SPINGEAR
5IVE is a yo-yo that designs the way you play yo-yo. "5ive" is designed with the concept that all yo-yo players can tackle the same tricks from the same perspective. Spinning, performing tricks, and catching are all fun with the "5IVE. It is a revolutionary yo-yo that allows everyone to experience the original joy of yo-yoing.
5ive Yo-Yo - Responsive YoYo (Clear Green / TRICKLAB Edition)
Amazon.com: Yoyorecreation 5ive Yo-Yo - Responsive YoYo (Clear Green / TRICKLAB Edition) : Toys & Games
5IVE by Yoyorecreation! - Slim Line Plastic Yo-Yo!
2024年6月19日 · Introducing the 5IVE Yo-Yo by Yoyorecreation, crafted by visionary Kengo Kido with the goal of spreading the joy of yo-yoing to all, regardless of skill level. In an era of advanced yo-yo technology, Kengo Kido aimed to recapture the essence of yo-yos.
5ive Yo-Yo - Responsive YoYo (Clear Black with Gold Cores)
Amazon.com: Yoyorecreation 5ive Yo-Yo - Responsive YoYo (Clear Black with Gold Cores) : Toys & Games
Yoyorecreation new products at the end of the year
“5ive” which proposes a new way to play with yo-yos, is now available for pre-release! 5IVE. The ultimate yo-yo is now available in the Hajime Miura Signature Series. “PARA AUTOSCOPY” which gave birth to the legendary Freestyle, is finally unveiled. PARA AUTOSCOPY. Ryuichi Nakamura’s signature yo-yo “UPHEAVAL” is finally completed.
"5ive"開発ストーリー / ヨーヨーリクリエーション城戸健吾と寄り道トーク - YouTube
2023年9月10日 · 5iveの購入はこちらから https://store.yoyorecreation.jp/yoyo/... 5iveをラフに1時間位振るだけの配信 https://www.youtube.com/live/LufEJeYX...
ヨーヨーリクリエーション「5ive(ファイブ)」:ヨーヨーレビュー | ALTERNATIVE SPIN
2023年9月12日 · 5iveはプラスチック版インパクトといって差し支えのないフォルムのヨーヨーです(直径は1mm増)つや消しのボディがステキ。 全幅はインパクトと同じく20mm。
ヨーヨーリクリエーション | yoyospaceas
プラスチックヨーヨーに革命を起こした「ディフュージョン」が10年の時を経てリニューアル! 初心者から上級者までを満足させるバインドプラスチックヨーヨーです。 ※ブレはモール …
Yoyorecreation 5ive Yo-Yo - Responsive YoYo - eBay
2024年12月5日 · From Yoyorecreation: 5IVE is a yo-yo that designs the way you play yo-yo. "5ive" is designed with the concept that all yo-yo players can tackle the same tricks from the same perspective. Spinning, performing tricks, and catching are all fun with the "5IVE". It is a revolutionary yo-yo that allows everyone to experience the original joy of yo ...
どうつくられていたか - note(ノート)
2023年9月7日 · 5iveは、みんなのためのヨーヨーだ。 初心者も、チャンピオンも、同じトリックを一緒に楽しむこと。 そんな光景を目指した、ヨーヨーデザインの新たな試みである。