4Ts Score for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia - MDCalc
The 4Ts Score is a clinical scoring system to differentiate patients with HIT from those with other causes of thrombocytopenia.
Management of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia - UpToDate
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a life-threatening complication of exposure to heparin (ie, unfractionated heparin, low molecular weight [LMW] heparin) that occurs in up to 5 percent of patients exposed, regardless of the dose, schedule, or route of administration.
Predictive value of the 4Ts scoring system for heparin-induced ...
The 4Ts is a pretest clinical scoring system for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Although widely used in clinical practice, its predictive value for HIT in diverse settings and patient populations is unknown. We performed a systematic review ...
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopaenia • LITFL • CCC Haematology
2024年7月30日 · Heparin Induced Thrombocytopaenia (HIT) is a major issue in ICU because: heparin (UFH) or LMWH is nearly universal in ICU patients; thrombocytopenia is common (up to 50%) complications of HIT can be severe; Two types. HIT type I, a benign non-immune condition
U-5TS坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
U-5TS“錘子” (俄语: У-5ТС «Молот»; Молот,意為: 錘子; 俄罗斯国防部火箭炮兵装备总局 代號: 2A20 / 2А20)是一門由 前苏联 / 俄罗斯 OKB-9設計局所研製、 九號火炮廠 (俄语:Завод № 9) 所生產的單管 滑膛式 坦克炮,並安裝在 T-62 主戰坦克 以上,發射115毫米滑膛 炮彈。 這是機械製造的工藝進步解決了精準度不足的問題以後,全世界第一款為坦克而研製的滑膛式火炮。 並因滑膛砲炮彈不會因自旋而導致能量損失以及發射時炮管損耗較小而重新獲得重 …
Mnemonic Monday: The 5 Hs and 5 Ts of Cardiac Arrest
2014年7月21日 · The 5Hs and 5Ts are a great resource to rapidly recall the causes of cardiac arrest. Considering these causes, especially in light of the patient’s history, may help you to hone in on the underlying cause of the arrest and reverse it if possible.
4T Score Calculator | HIT
2024年5月27日 · The 4T score calculator checks for signs typical of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and the probability of its diagnosis. 💉. We won't be just calculating; we'll also talk about the elements of 4T, HIT criteria, as well as platelet nadir and other definitions useful in HIT medical evaluation & HIT diagnosis. Let's start the ride!
4Ts versus 3Ls: heparin induced thrombocytopenia probability …
2022年5月26日 · Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an adverse drug reaction to heparin that places patients at increased risk for venous or arterial thrombosis. HIT is generally suspected at the bedside when there is a characteristic 50% drop in platelet count following 5-10 days of heparin exposure, but other causes of thrombocytopenia must be considered.
The 4Ts Score for HITS - MedSchool
The 4Ts score is a means of stratifying risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia syndrome (HITS), based on the onset and severity of thrombocytopaenia following heparin administration, as well as presence of features of HITS.
急性冠脉综合征:这种类型后果严重且最易漏诊 - 丁香园
2018年4月11日 · 近年来,急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)包括 ST 段抬高型 ACS 和非 ST 段抬高型 ACS,其心电图常表现为相应导联 ST 抬高伴高大 T 波或相应导联 ST 段的压低和(或)T 波倒置。 ACS 发病的主流机制为斑块斑块破裂诱发急性血栓形成,血栓若为闭塞性则造成 ST 段抬高,若为非闭塞性则造成非 ST 段抬高。 但 deWinter 等人却发现一些患者在前降支近段发生急性闭塞或次全闭塞时心电图表现为胸前导联 ST 段压低 (≥ 0.1mv) 伴 T 波高尖 …
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