5U4GB, Tube 5U4GB; Röhre 5U4GB ID3775, Full-Wave Vacuum …
Tube 5U4GB or Röhre 5U4GB ID3775, Full-Wave Vacuum Rectifier, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power-supply shown. Radio tubes are valves.
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5U4GB - Tube Data
Title: 5U4GB Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-12-10 Created Date: 12/10/2011 9:04:11 PM
5U4GB @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 5U4 type of rectifier was made in several forms over its life time. This version has the modern glass base construction and a tubular envelope. It delivers 100 Watts of DC power, a …
5AR4与5U4G的区别 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2013年3月2日 · 旁热式5AR4是一个比直热式5U4G先进一些的管子,它们之间通常不能互换,因为特性差距太大了,5AR4的压降是17V,而5U4G的压降是58V;还有就是灯丝加热电流,5AR4 …
JJ 5U4GB Rectifier Vacuum Tube - TubeDepot.com
The JJ 5U4GB vacuum tube is an excellent choice for both Hi-Fi audio & instrument amps. This affordable rectifier tube is for use in any 5U4 socket.
5U4GB - JJ Electronic
5U4GB is a directly heated full wave octal base rectifier for Hi-Fi and guitar amplifiers. Suitable for use in any 5U4 socket.
5U4GB full – wave vacuum rectifier Base: OCTAL uf = 5 v if = 3 a Typical Characteristics: capacitor input: see graph # 1 choke input: see graph # 2 Limiting Values:max 38,0 Capacitor …
音响封神榜三十:5U4系列整流管的比较 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿 …
2016年8月15日 · 5U4G: 声音雄壮、开阔、透明、有劲,频率响应够宽。 5AR4: 声音清楚,细节较多,频率响应够宽,但是声音较薄,韵味较少。 CV378: 声音清楚、有韵,频率响应够 …
精评丨享受“换管”的乐趣!KR Audio 5U4G与300B电子管 - 音 响 论 …
2021年4月29日 · 在技术参数上,5U4G可以代替274B、5Z3P和5AR4等管子的,如果想更高阶一点的,可以使用5U4GB的特供管子。 而对于希望更换整流管的朋友,现实上大多一直在整流 …
5U4 | 5U4G | 5U4GB | 274B | Rectifier | Tubes | Tubes
The 5U4GB has a straight glass envelope. This type has been widely used in U.S-made guitar amps from the 1950s to the 70s. The 5U4GB has a slow start feature, which protects output …