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Hey Magic Z-1 owners. Questions - The Gear Page
Oct 13, 2015 · I have both the Z1 and Z1-V. Upgraded the amps with Sylvania 5V4 rectifiers, vintage 6V6's and RCA 6973, all old 12AX7s. These are just amazing and the Z1 nails Zep …
Dr. Z KT45 - Any up-to-date love? - The Gear Page
Apr 7, 2011 · As I impatiently await a KT45 head at my local dealer (99% sure I'll buy it when it comes in), it's amazing how little info there is about this particular...
rectifier - The Gear Page
I have what seems to be a 68 drip edge deluxe reverb. The chassis dates 1967 and the transformer code (606-7-44) also seems to date 1967 44th week.