Atlas Air Flight 3591 - Wikipedia
Atlas Air Flight 3591 was a scheduled domestic cargo flight between Miami International Airport and George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. On February 23, 2019, the Boeing 767-375ER (BCF) operating this flight crashed into Trinity Bay during approach into Houston, killing the two crew members and a single passenger on board.
Loss of control Accident Boeing 767-375ER (BCF) (WL) N1217A,
Atlas Air flight 5Y3591, a Boeing 767-300 operated for Amazon Air, was destroyed in a crash at Trinity Bay, near Anahuac, Texas, USA. All three on board were killed. The aircraft departed Miami International Airport, Florida at 11:33 hours local time (16:33 UTC) on a cargo flight to Houston-George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Texas, USA.
DCA19MA086.aspx - National Transportation Safety Board
On February 23, 2019, at 1239 central standard time, Atlas Air Inc. (Atlas) flight 3591, a Boeing 767-375BCF, N1217A, was destroyed after it rapidly descended from an altitude of about 6,000 ft mean sea level (msl) and crashed into a shallow, muddy marsh area of Trinity Bay, Texas, about 41 miles east-southeast of George Bush Intercontinental/Ho...
Atlas Air flight 5Y3591 - Aviation Accidents Database
2022年3月6日 · Atlas Air flight 5Y3591 was operated on February 23, 2019, at 1239 central standard time with a Boeing 767-375BCF registration N1217A. It was destroyed after it rapidly descended from an altitude of about 6,000 ft mean sea level (msl) and crashed into a shallow, muddy marsh area of Trinity Bay, Texas, about 41 miles east-southeast of George ...
Crash of a Boeing 767-375ER off Anahuac: 3 killed
On February 23, 2019, at 1239 central standard time, Atlas Air Inc. (Atlas) flight 3591, a Boeing 767-375BCF, N1217A, was destroyed after it rapidly descended from an altitude of about 6,000 ft mean sea level (msl) and crashed into a shallow, muddy marsh area of Trinity Bay, Texas, about 41 miles east-southeast of George Bush Intercontinental/Ho...
5Y3591 | Flightradar24 Blog
At approximately 18:40 UTC (12:40 local time) Atlas Air 5Y3591, a Boeing 767-375 (ER) (BDSF), operating for Amazon Prime Air crashed into Trinity Bay while on… Take a closer look at 5Y3591 and find out about flight tracking with Flightradar24.
空中浩劫(六十一)阿特拉斯航空3591号班机空难 - 哔哩哔哩
执飞5y3591货运航班的副驾驶为时年44岁的康拉德·朱尔斯·拉斯卡,他拥有5073小时的飞行经验,其中在波音767上飞行了520小时。 准驾机型为巴西工业EMB-120/145/170/190、波音757和波音767。
亚特拉斯航空3591号班机空难 - Wikiwand
3591号班机共有三名机组人员,伯斯郡警长布莱恩·霍桑向媒体确认已经寻获了一名飞行员的遗体,同时表示另外两名飞行员应该也已经遇难。 24日亚特拉斯航空确认三名机组人员无一生还。 [13][14] 官方尚未公布三名飞行员的身份信息。 [15] 但在社交媒体上,罹难机组人员的家人和朋友已经贴出讣告表示悼念,分别是来自印第安纳的机长瑞奇·布莱克利,来自 安提瓜岛 的副机长康拉德·朱尔斯·阿斯卡,以及一名梅萨航空公司的机长肖恩·阿楚莱塔,肖恩是以搭顺风班机飞往目 …
5Y3591 (GTI3591) Atlas Air Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
2019年2月23日 · Flight status, tracking, and historical data for Atlas Air 3591 (5Y3591/GTI3591) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times.
Atlas Air flight 5Y3591 crashes near Houston
2019年2月23日 · Flight 5Y3591 was operating from Miami on a scheduled cargo flight to Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport with three crew member on board. Radar and communication contact was lost shortly before 12:45 pm central time over Trinity Bay in Texas, the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has confirmed in a statement.