The average weight for a normal 6’5 male - Critical Body
2023年2月3日 · Based on the body weight data for thousands of men, the average weight for a 6’5 male is roughly 235 pounds or 106.6 kilograms. This estimate is based on our scaling up of the average weight for all men, which is right around 200 lbs.
6'5" and 210 Pounds - What's my BMI? Male and Female | Ideal …
Find out your BMI, and your ideal weight for your height. Get a customized weight chart for your height 6'5, and a 210 lbs silhouette image.
What is 6'5" and 210 lbs BMI? - Calculatio
What is BMI for male and female with height 6ft 5in and weight 210 lbs? Weight 210 is in Healthy Zone. You may lose -53.97 lbs or gain 0.85 lbs. BMI Formula: BMI = ( weightlbs ÷ (heightin)2 ) × 703.
Body Mass Index. Height: 6'5. Weight: 210 pounds - BMI Calculator
What is the BMI for a person who is 6'5 and weighs 210 pounds? This calculates the body mass index of both men and women. If I am 6'5 and weigh 210 lbs, is that a good weight? How much is the BMI for a man or woman, boy or girl? What should I weigh? Below are approximate definitions of a certain BMI.
BMI of a 210 Pound Person - CalculateMe.com
What's my BMI if I weigh 210 pounds? Is 210 pounds overweight? Enter your height to calculate.
6'5" and 250 Pounds - What's my BMI? Male and Female | Ideal …
Find out your BMI, and your ideal weight for your height. Get a customized weight chart for your height 6'5, and a 250 lbs silhouette image.
BMI 6'5" 210 lbs - BMI Calculator
Your BMI is 24.9, indicating your weight is in the normal category for a 25 years old 6 ' 5" heigh woman.Your BMI Prime is 0.89. Please, see detailed information below.
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6'5 and 210 pounds BMI. What's the BMI for a 6 foot 5 male or …
Am I fat? Am I overweight? Am I too thin? Is 6'5 and 210 pounds considered healthy? The BMI is a general measurement and is easy to calculate. BMI is calculated the same for a man or woman. From the CDC: "At an individual level, BMI can be used as a screening tool but is not diagnostic of the body fatness or the health of an individual.
6’5 / 210 lbs. Seeking advice on what my macros should be
2019年5月29日 · As stated above, I’m 6’5 roughly 210 pounds. I used to be “skinny fat” before I started going to the gym pretty consistently. I’ve been hitting the gym for about a year now and have been gaining relatively well, except I still have an above average percentage of body fat.