6 pound baby at 33 weeks. Please help - What to Expect
2020年5月11日 · A big baby isn't necessarily a reason to have a c section. you don't have to do it just because your doctor advises it if you don't want to. ultrasounds can be off quite a bit for weight. my sister in law was told her baby was going to be barley 4 pounds and she ended up being 2oz shy of 10 pounds when she was born.
Anyone born with a 6 lb baby? - December 2024 Babies | Forums
2024年11月23日 · Hey yall I delivered at almost 37 weeks and the nurses are scaring me that my baby is so small etc etc and is going to regress with feeding. They all say something different.
Is 6 lbs "tiny" for a baby? - December 2010 Babies - What to Expect
2010年12月19日 · Our August 23 girl was 6 lbs 12 ounces at birth, so I started baby wearing with the wrap within the first few weeks (it’s recommended that baby is 7 lbs). She was over 7 at her two week checkup so I think I used it that day.Our second daughter...
6lb baby :| at 35 weeks - April 2015 Babies - What to Expect
2015年2月27日 · My friend just delivered at 39 1 weeks. At 37 6 they measured the baby and said he was just over 8 lbs. When she delivered just over a week later, he only weighed 6 lbs 14 oz. Those measurements are rarely close to being on point.
6 lb baby soaking through diapers - What to Expect
2023年9月26日 · This was happening with newborn diapers with my 7 lb baby. We even noticed that they were a bit snug so we moved him to a size 1 and it stopped happening as much. Then, I realized that you have to point his penis down to avoid him peeing out the diaper. My first was a girl so I didn’t know lol but that and sizing up helped.
4 month 10.6 lb baby. Weight plateau. - What to Expect
2018年6月17日 · My girl is 4 months and 11lbs 11oz, her sister was 11 lbs at the same age (born 6.12 and 6.1 respectfully). They’re just small ladies, and trust me having a small baby has big perks! As long as your dr is happy and your baby is eating, wetting diapers and happy through the day just enjoy having a smaller bundle to tote around!
36 week and baby is 6lbs already!!! - What to Expect
2011年2月26日 · I just had a feral weight u/s last Monday and at 37 weeks she weighed 5.9 lbs but my tech said that a 6 lb baby and 9 lb baby come out the same. Just cuz you have more fat on your body doesn't make your head bigger. So don't worry. You'll have the same delivery even if you have a 9 lb baby
36 Weeks, approx. 6lb baby. Is this big? - What to Expect
2021年2月2日 · Just a bit more so than average, but not huge. I had a baby at 36+2 and he was 6,2 and 19.5. On his due date he was 8.5 lbs and 21”. So not terribly big at all. They said he’d likely have been about that size at birth had he stayed in. I had another baby at 37wks that was 8,6 and 22”. So definitely bigger than average.
34 weeks and baby already weighs 6lbs! - What to Expect
2015年8月20日 · My baby was 6.5lbs at 34 weeks, had a rescan at 36 weeks and baby's weight gain had slowed, only weighed 7.2lbs, but was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 33 weeks so that's prob why it's slowed a bit strictest diet I've ever been on!!!!
37 weeks 6lb 8oz baby - November 2018 Babies | Forums - What …
2018年10月27日 · 6 lb at 37 weeks is completely normal and expected tbh. Also, it’s very rare for any well trained physician to classify a newborn infant as obese. Especially when they drop a good chunk of that weight within the first few days before gaining it back. Your baby is fine. Stop stressing, Mama.