6x45 (6mm-223) | Sniper's Hide Forum
2013年3月10日 · Anyone loading 6x45. I have an upper on the way and a set of Forster dies ordered.
6x45mm vs 6.5 Grendel | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年4月24日 · 6.5 grendel hands down, better ballistics than the 6x45 and the 6x6.8. i have made all three and keep going back to my grendel for my go to gun and have hit targets past 1000yds with it.
6x45 Bolt Rifle | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年9月12日 · Re: 6x45 Bolt Rifle Yes I have one or maybe I should say I had one as a buddy borrowed it a few years ago and hasn't brought it back. He loves it and as I remember it was a great shooting little rifle. Perfect for a kids first rifle. Doesn't have much recoil but it is big enough to hunt deer or antelope. I know half a dozen kids that took their first animal with one. My gunsmith Mark Chanlynn ...
6X45 questions | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年1月27日 · I built an AR in 6 X 45 as a predator rifle last year and love it. I'm restricted to around the 80 gr. range in a hollow point bullet because of the magazine COAL issue. I have a hard time with tipped bullets (v-max) and COAL when I get above 80-ish grains - mag length is 2.260. I'm guessing that you are thinking about building a bolt gun so not sure if this helps. *Shilen select 26" 1-8 twist.
6x45 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年1月21日 · All - Am contemplating a 6x45, and I'd like to send 95 smk's (pointed) close to 2900 without having to go 6tcu. Barrel length above 27" is not ideal for me. The only reason for this is to shoot in matches that have a 6mm floor, but have a …
6x45 6mm/223 AR Upper | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年12月20日 · Re: 6x45 6mm/223 AR Upper The .264 LBC-Ar and the 6.5 Grendel are pretty much the same thing besides the difference in the barrel throats and maybe a couple other minor things. Alexander Arms has the "Compound throat" which is very little throat but yet still very accurate and the 264 LBC does not. You could shoot the 264 LBC ammo in the 6.5 Grendel and you could shoot the 6.5 Grendel ammo in ...
6x45 or 6.5 Creedmoor | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年7月8日 · The 6mm x 45 isn't that cheap as far as bullet choices are concerned. If you do go with a "lightweight" 6 x 45mm it won't be the best trainer rifle due to barrel heat up and POI shift. Go get ur CM and use a 223 wylde to practice on. We run Bighorn TL3 and have our match barrels in 6mm wildcats and use our 223 wylde to practice on.
IS 6MM AR THE SAME AS A 6X45? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年3月24日 · Re: IS 6MM AR THE SAME AS A 6X45? the 6x45 is a necked up 223/556 great for shooting light bullets with a decent velocity. The 6mmAR is a very specialized and very different cartridge. It is a necked down 6.5 grendel and it shoots the heavier bullets much better.
6x45????? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2007年1月5日 · Re: 6x45????? i just finished a 6tcu (6mm/223ackley) on a remington short action for a truck gun. wanted something with more horsepower than the heavy 223 bullets. used a pacnor super 1-10 barrel and finished at 24". chronoed 55's at alomost 3700, 70's at 3300, 80's at 3200. i have not shot any 100's yet but i think you would see approximately 2700 with the 107's. first group forming brass was ...
6X45 Dies | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年11月20日 · Hello all. First post, so I hope this is in the right place. Hate to get smacked down before I get started. Anyway,,,, here's my question. Can I use 223 bushing dies for the 6X45? (Redding Type S) Seems to me that as long as I swap the bushing and expander stem to the appropriate size it...