Excess DOD Property Disposal - Defense Logistics Agency
DLA is responsible for disposal of excess Department of Defense personal property, foreign excess personal property, scrap, hazardous waste, and property requiring demilitarization. DLA is prepared to assist you in completing necessary documents, arranging for disposal solutions, and training your personnel in disposal turn-in procedures.
Public Sales Offerings - Defense Logistics Agency
NOTE: The first time you bid on an item requiring end-use certification, a Trade Security Control check will be processed and can take up to 60 days. The Sales Contracting Officer (SCO) cannot award the contract until you have been cleared. During the initial clearance process, you may not be awarded an item for up to 2 months.
Digital DSR - Defense Logistics Agency
Learn how to search and request available property from the DLA Disposition Services RTD Web. Learn how to turn in over 30 different types of specialized property, each with sample documents. Learn how to schedule and transport property to a servicing location.
DRMO EPR Bullets
- Directed unit DRMO program; processed $39K in SF eqpmt--assured redistribution of AF assets/reduced waste/abuse - Eliminated excess CTK inventory; processed 60 DRMO toolbox turn-ins--reclaimed $11K/decr'd CTK footprint 25%
Excess usable property must be turned into the DRMO using MILSTRIP procedures with the following clearly identified on the documentation: 1. Document Identifier (RPs 1-3) 2. Unit of Issue and Quantity (RPs 23-29) 3. Fund Code (Required for HM/HW Turn Ins) (RPs 52-53) 4. Disposal Authority Code (RP 64) 5. Demil code or clear text statement (RP ...
Supply Management EPR bullets
- Directed unit DRMO program; processed $39K in SF eqpmt--assured redistribution of AF assets/reduced waste/abuse - Discovered/processed 51 items found on base valued at $363k--reverberated items to supply sys, averted shortfalls
Redistribution and disposal of excess DoD assets is accomplished in Web DPAS by an interface with the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS). Web DPAS links to the local Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) with the program used by DRMO activities for receiving assets.
DLA Disposition Services also known as old DRMO and also …
DLA Disposition Services (old DRMS) disposes of excess property received from the military services. The inventory changes daily and includes thousands of items: from air conditioners to vehicles,...
We built this city on DRMO; DRMO helps bring theatre home; Recycling ...
2009年11月13日 · Over the next few months DRMO helped Logue and Eiben transform Range 60 from a collection of metal conexes into a city. Chairs from the NCO academy, old church pews, satellite dishes and...
单片驱动器 MOSFET (DrMOS)如何改进电源系统设计 - AD芯片采购 …
LTC705x DrMOS系列利用AD已获专利的Silent Switcher 2架构,自举电路集成,使DrMOS模块可以超快速切换,降低功率损耗和开关节点电压过冲,提高性能。 LTC705x DrMOS该装置还提供过温保护 (OTP)、输入过压保护 (VIN OVP)和欠压闭锁 (UVLO)保护等安全特性。 LTC7051 SilentMOS智能功率级. LTC7051属于LTC705x DrMOS系列,是一款140A单片智能功率模块成功地将高速驱动器和高质量因数 (FOM)顶部和底部的功率MOSFET综合监控保护电路集成到电热 …