How does ITB-Mode fueling work? - Megasquirt Support Forum …
2024年12月7日 · I have a 600cc Oil cooled Suzuki. Contrary to online opinion and hate, because I equipped it with a 61.5mm GT35 turbo; it spools completely fine and is really nice to ride due to the fact that I sized the exhaust side of the turbo appropriately.
Why individual throttle bodies? - Honda / Acura K20a K24a Engine …
2008年3月11日 · You can build a manifold that can flow just as much as an ITB setup, but you will never have the uniformity in airflow possible with ITBs. That being said, the ideal setup is the ITB + airbox. You get the precisely metered air and stronger resonance properties as you can begin to exploit the interaction between multiple cylinders.
适合新手的600排量机车有哪些?可以推荐推荐吗? - 知乎
2018年6月11日 · 你要推荐600,这个级别最温柔的,无非就是凯越的660,川崎的650,而且正如大家所说的,两三缸就可以了,千万不要上4缸,那个更暴躁。 但是我还是推荐你250开始练手,或者400,川崎忍者400,Z400也是可以的你要是觉得250小了。 反正满大街的都是川崎忍者,你也可以考虑下,反正终归一句话,自己下个哈罗摩托自己看,自己选车,自己试驾,管好右手,不要害人害己。 面包配果酱,天下无出其右者。 伪命题啊题主,哪有新手上600排量的, …
250-600cc_宝马摩托车报价及图片大全 - 58moto.com
d16 itb's | ClubCivic.com - Honda Civic Forum
2006年3月29日 · But im thinking, "would thottle bodies for a 600cc have the right flow to support a built 1600cc??" Im not too sure. Even a 929 is a bit smaller... Has anyone heard of using hayabusa throttle bodies because im not sure how the spacing is on those.. Any opinions are welcome, and im hoping to attract some all motor dseries guru's to this thread.
grsx 600 itbs? | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
2007年11月30日 · Hey I have searched high and low to get info about the itbs off the 600cc bike. Can I use these for my 16v 1.8L My goal is to get maybe 150-165whp with head...
2020年5月21日 · 本田这款车是一款比较偏激进的跑车,不管是坐姿还是实际操控能力,都更适合赛道。 新款颜值更高,动力配置也是大幅度提升,换挡顺畅,跟老款来比变化还是挺大的,尤其是还保持着之前的定价标准。 599cc的动力更是让它爱不释手。 Aprilia RS 660一直是非常热门的话题,RS 660大量借鉴了RSV4的设计元素,但整体设计更时尚前卫极具辨识度。 全新的技术基础,装有660cc并列双缸发动机,时尚的车架重量仅169公斤,车架精致,是真正符合Aprilia传统 …
国产唯一四缸仿赛,就目前来讲,至少是国产仿赛的领头羊,虽然和进口同级别车型比还是有差距,但是性价比绝对是优势,你再堆个五万的配置在这车上,不是吊打cbr650r和rs660? 也没有 …
Keihin Motorcycle TB injector? - Megasquirt Support Forum …
2020年11月10日 · Idle for the 600cc engine is about 1300-1400 rpm vs the 6-700 rpm of the larger engine. The bypass cct was adjustable, so there had to be some excess capacity built in... The air bypass cct has two 2.25mm holes on the air filter end and one 4mm hole on the port end.
2020年10月13日 · 发动机依然是那台熟悉的600cc直列四缸16气门水冷发动机,最大马力60千瓦,最大扭矩55牛·米,GPS极速可达200KM/h,有着性能如此出众的发动机,再加上更加灵活的车辆操控性,让中期改款后的TNT600i玩乐属性更上一层楼。