Solid Rubber Tire for Forklift - LinkedIn
2017年2月16日 · The 60J Line name derives from a German Normative, where it is specified as maximum limit of a solid rubber usage is the diameter that ensures a minimum torque applied of 60 joule.
When to Replace Your Forklift Tires - Camso
2018年4月10日 · Undamaged resilient tires can be worn down to the 60-J line as indicated on the sidewall of the tire. Wearing beyond the 60-J line represents a safety hazard and can lead to unexpected tire failure as well as potential damage to the forklift truck. Certain Solideal branded tires also feature a wearing indicator. Solideal 60J line on tire
When do I have to replace my forklift tyres? - TVH
2019年4月23日 · Undamaged solid tyres can be worn down to the 60-J line. The 60-J line, also known as the safety line, is indicated on the sidewall of your tyre. This line indicates the transition between the wear surface and the softer core of the tyre. The safety line often lies a few centimeters deeper than the start of your tread pattern.
Material Handling - SUNTWS
The 60J line is coloured with a red compound ("Traffic Light Rib") that is ALWAYS VISIBLE on the outside of the tyre. It enables you to clearly see the position of the Traffic Light Rib compared to the remaining tread so you can plan your replacement tyre maintenance accordingly.
When Should You Replace Forklift Tires?
2022年3月30日 · Resident solid tires make it easy to tell when it’s time to replace them—they’re manufactured with a 60J line, also called a “safety line,” on the sidewall that indicates when it’s time for new tires. Below that line, you could wear into non-tread types of compound, or structural plies and bead materials.
60-J line as indicated on the sidewall of the tire Wearing beyond the 60-J line represents a safety hazard and can lead to unexpected tire failure as well as potential damage to the forklift truck Certain Solideal branded tires also feature a wearing indicator
Forklift Tyre Safety - W Hall
It is important that tyres are changed when the tread depth is less than 5mm and above the 60J line. Once tyre tread reaches the 60J line it must be replaced as further use may cause damage to the forklift leaving it unsafe for usage. Having bad tyres can also cause accidents due to creating stability issues for the truck.
Solid rubber resilient tyres may be used until they are worn to the wear indicator, also known as the 60J line. (See page 2) . Press-On Band, Moulded Direct and Conical Base Tyres may be used until 2/3rds of the original thickness remains. They should be changed if there is any sign of damage, deformation or the tyre coming away from the wheel.
Forklift Tyres Regrooving - ZHENG FA TRADING PTE LTD
On the side-wall of each solid resilient tyre is a wear indicator line, located at the base of the tread (known as the 60j line). Once the tread area has worn away the tyre can actually have a new tread re-grooved into the remaining rubber down to the depth of the 60j line.
Forklift Tire Maintenance - Styles, Signs of Wear, and Upkeep Tips
Some best practices for tire maintenance include: Don’t Cross the Line – Regularly check for wear near the 60J line or “safety line.” If the rubber above the 60J line is worn, the tire will need to be replaced. If your tires travel along a terrain that requires high treading, you can regroove them up to the 60J line when they start to get smooth.